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Title: Too early


A scream pierced the comfortable quiet in the room.

Then panic fell like a blanket over everybody in it.

"No, no, no, no. What's happening- this is far too soon!"

"He's not meant to go for years yet!"

Paul McCartney, aged 58, was screaming.

He wasn't in the room with them, of course not. For, they're in the afterlife. In a room in the afterlife, more specifically, a room for observing and guiding the world.

They made sure history was correct, and this was not correct.

95, 95 was how old he was meant to be when he died. But no, someone had to go and ruin it. Worst of all, he couldn't be saved.

John couldn't move. He watched as his friend- no, his soulmate- screamed in agony as the slick dagger pierced his skin again, and again, and again.

John had been watching over Paul since he arrived in the afterlife on that fateful day of December, he didn't watch his wife or (though he is slightly ashamed to admit it) his children, he guided his best mate. Watched him marry and divorce, watched him dream and thrive, watched him make music and create art, and he watched Paul age gradually. Watched as his hair turned grey, as his face drooped, as he became wiser. He was happy that way, no matter how Paul dressed or looked, John still found him beautiful. The cute Beatle indeed, his pretty, doe eyes and dashing smile made it hard not to look away. But right now, John had never seen Paul look so ugly. He could see the life and fight drain out of the eyes he so loved, he could see the round face he knew so well turn blank as his screams die out. He couldn't turn away, but he hated to watch. He couldn't bare to see his friend die... but he didn't look away.

Vaguely in the background, he could hear people panicking, preparing for his arrival. He heard his own name being called somewhere in the mist of shouts. He turned and came face to face with Brian.

"You're going to have to greet him, you know." he stated. John nodded.

"I know."

"He'll be scared, terrified even. He has just been stabbed to de-"

"Yes, I get the idea and it's okay. If there was anyone who should do the job, it's me."

Eppy nodded before walking away.

"It's time!" someone notified him. John took one last glance at his friends cold body, and then turned and sprinted to the entrance tunnel. That's where Paul would come through.


Paul could feel his left hand pressing firmly down on the floor and tried to concentrate on the feeling. His breaths were coming out short and laboured, his other hand clutched at his chest as if trying to piece his heart back together.

What had happened, where was he? He was panicking, he knew that and he could feel a fierce stinging in his torso. He shook violently as he tried, desperately, to calm himself down.

"Paul?" he heard a voice ask. Not just any voice though, that voice was familiar. A warm, liverpudlian accent. No. It couldn't be.

"Am I going insane?" he asked in a small voice.

The voice chuckled, a familiar chuckled, "No, Paulie, you're somewhere else now. You'll be okay."

"But, but I don't understand. Where am I? Who are you? What happened and why can I not move?" Paul asked at rapid fire.

"Hey, hey, c'mon darling, calm down. Take deep breaths, here, match mine." the voice comforted gently, before breathing loudly at a steady pace. Paul tried to match them and after a few agonising minutes, he could breathe properly again, "That's right, Paulie, now, one at a time. Where are you? That's a tricky question, no one really knows but lots of people call it the afterlife."

"The afterlife? I'm-I'm dead?" Paul asked quickly, feeling panicked again but soon calmed down when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Shh, shh, don't get worked up again, love, next question. What happened? You were ripped from your life from someone, murder I'm afraid, sweetheart. But it's okay now, you're okay. You're safe here."

"You missed the second question-"

"I'll get to that, last question, why can't you move?" the voice continued, "You're body isn't used to the new environment and you need time to process what happened, don't worry, you'll be able to move soon enough."

Paul nodded slightly, he could already feel his limbs tingling a bit and he was sure he could open his eye, however, he didn't really know if he wanted to.

"And-and the final question?" he asked nervously.

"Paulie, baby, do you really not recognise me after all these years?"

Paul's eyes snapped open, he hesitantly looked up and nearly choked with surprise.

"J-John?" was all he could say in his shock. There, crouching in front of him was John Winston Lennon, leader of the Quarrymen, singer in The Beatles and superstar of the world. In all his glory, aged 25 again, with that hideous mop-top and messily-put-on-suit."

"Hiya, my love."

W o w. Dramatic, eh. I love me some Mclennon, I do have a Mcharrison fanfic on it's way, it has been sitting there for months now but I'm sure I'll do something with it eventually. Sorry for my inconsistent updates! I have three stories on the go and I'm really lazy so they're practically a lost cause. Thanks for sticking around anyway! 😂✌ 

Q: What's your favourite post-beatles song(s)?

A: I do love most of them, especially Paul's, George's and John's. Unfortunately, I've not actually heard many of Ringo's. Some of my favourite would be: Coming Up, Band On The Run, I Wanna Fuh You, Jet (Paul), Imagine, Instant Karma, Jealous Guy, Just like [starting over] and Real Love (John), This Song, All Those Years Ago and Blow Away (George) and Never Without You (Ringo)

Sorry for such a long answer lmao

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