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❥Day 18.

Barely any interaction with my teammates.

The Losers are a strange team.
Some cling onto friends.
Others stay alone.

I've always been wanting to join this team. It was always so lively. So perfect.

Of course, until I joined.
I've been so naive. I knew well we weren't on good terms, but we always could have made up.

Guess not.

TW: Abuse and gore(?)

"SHUT UP!" He screamed as I was slammed against a wall, a piece of me already torn off.

I didn't say anything. I knew what I said was bad, but I shouldn't have had to apologize.

I grabbed a yoyleberry from a basket and shoved it into his mouth, turning him to metal. An advantage. I kicked him away from me, able to walk again. There were still bruises and blood dripping from my head. My mouth hurt like hell too.

I was too busy adjusting my jaw to realize he was coming back at me. I wasn't instantly killed, he was metal.

I was screwed. There was no way to go. I tried screaming for help, but no sound came out of my mouth. Regardless, She walked in.

F̵̧̣̻̞̮͆͐͗̿̔̋͒̾̔͜i̵̱̪̻͕͐͐̓̈́̔̈́̄̉͘͝ṛ̷̬̗̪̻̫̬̇̄͐̍̆ȅ̵̱͖̱̱͇̤̦̙̊y̵̳͒̎̽͂͐̇̐̉͒̕.̵̧̺͓͗͊̄̅"̵̢͉͇̺͚̆̃̃͝ The girl spoke. "What are you doing?"  He looked away

While he was distracted. I pulled his unoccupied hand, swung him across the room violently, and let go. He hit a wall, creating a large dent in it. I had enough.

Another person walked in, seeming to be wearing blue. My eyesight was too blurry. He gasped and ran back, probably to get help. The red girl followed, screaming a name.
They only saw me beating him up. I backed away and ran before anyone else could have seen it. Speeding out the back door.

That incident wasn't too long ago. My wounds hadn't been treated, as I haven't been back into the house. Not after that.

I want my old team back.

I want BEEP back.

I felt helpful.

I felt proud.

I felt happy.

I felt...

In control.

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