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The last sentence she said to me,

Hell, it was hardly a sentence.

But I remember it clearly.

She walked in, not knocking or anything, closing the door behind her.

"Oh, hey." I smiled.

Her face had no color.

I got worried.

"Coiny..." She spoke.

I grabbed her hands tightly.

"Hey, hey. What's up?"

"I-It's them! They're fighting again, and L-Leafy.. L-" She kept trembling as she said every word.

"What happened to Leafy??" I was worried sick by now.

"She's gone.." I heard a mumble from above me.



Leafy just left?

No. No no no.

She didn't.

She wouldn't.

Without thinking, I scratched her across the face.

She didn't even yell, not a single word.

I pushed her off the bed, and threw her at the door. Her point was now missing the tip of it.


She looked at me, crying. "Huh?.."

"No, no. YOU, are going to find her."

I smiled and held her hands again.

"You're going to find her, and better hopr she's nearby. The Losers don't LEAVE without MY permission."

She nodded quickly, and ran out the door.


Did I mean to do that?

I don't know.

It was just out of anger, maybe.

But now she's back.

We're all happy again.

'We're the most stable team out there.'

'Nobody. Compares. To The Losers.'

'To me.'

I walked out of my room. Seeing Pin.

I waved to her a kind hello.

She waved back, and continued to shuffle through the drawers in the kitchen.

Despite everything, she still wants to greet me as I walk out?

Weird. What was she looking for?

Thinking about our talk in the yard a while ago, I remembered.

She was looking out the window at one point.

"I thought I saw Leafy."

"Probably your imagination."

Was she checking to see what Leafy was doing in the kitchen?

Either way, I didn't care anymore.


There was one thing, one person I needed to talk to.

I glanced at Firey's room.

wahh!! hi! i know i dont update this a lot anymore, but ive been working on stuff so ive been quite busy im sorry :(( anyway can you infer what's goin on with the chapters now?? :))

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