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➪"COINY! You're going too far-"

Another scream.

in Firey's room.

I sighed.

My room is right next door to his, too.

It isn't my business, after all.

I don't care.

Knocking at my door.

I didn't notice it.

Not immediately.

I opened the door to..

Someone not on...

My team.

"Golf B-"

I was pushed back into my room, onto the floor.


It's her.


"I need to ask a few questions."

I got up and sat on my bed.

"Fine, fine."

She smiled and stood in front of me.

"I'm only here to ask a few questions, nothing special

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"I'm only here to ask a few questions, nothing special."

I knew what she was going to ask about.

I didn't care.

"So. What happened when Leafy left? I know she slept outside for a day or so."

"Er.. Well, since word got out about their fight, you don't need to know about that."

I knew Clock went and spread it around, like a rumor. What a child sometimes.

"But, Firey was kinda panicking the whole time. In his room. When she came back Pin went to talk to her but a few minutes later I saw her wander around."

"Mhm. Uh, now has anything violent occurred, aside from that argument.."


She stared at me, sitting at the ground and taking notes. "Continue."

"Coiny's been..abusive. Physically and mentally. I've seen him in action. Pin, Firey, and possibly Leafy."


Definitely Leafy.

"Oh." She stared at her page of messy notes.

"Mm..I'll come back tomorrow. Just for more info. Thanks."

She walked out of my room and out of the house immediately.


༄I tugged at the bandages all over my body.


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