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➞My room is burnt to a crisp.

I overreacted.

Didn't I?

We hate eachother.

I don't see why i'm upset.

We've been fighting for quite a bit.

Once Leafy left..

Pin was trying to ask me what was wrong, what happened. Even I didn't know. I got pissy over some possible joke, or tease.

It's funny. She'd say stuff like, "Are you okay??" and "Where does it hurt??" As if she cared.

I was so angry, I could hardly make out the words to her. I don't think she understood, because she let me go, and whispered to Clock.

Everyone was in the kitchen. Even people I forgot existed sometimes.

It was only Leafy who was missing.

Sucks for her.

I never listened to their shit. I was too emotionally drained and exhausted.

"Okay. Firey. What the fuck?"

"What!? You say that like it's my fault, Coiny!"

"No, its-! Ugh. You're obviously useless."

They all went back to conspiring.

I ran to the front of my door. Behind me I heard others screaming my name to go back. I didn't listen. I walked into the room.

Everything seemed normal. Perfectly fine.

I screamed. As loud as I could. Hell, maybe people back in YoyleCity could hear me.

I was clawing at the wall. I felt my flame getting brighter, stronger.

I laid down on my bed, feeling the sheets burn.

Tears stung at my eyes. I didn't feel it as much, my flame became a bit too strong.

Useless thoughts flooded my head.




I didn't understand.

Not at all.

I didn't care.

Not one bit did I care.

Still, a part of me was full of sorrow, and regret.

'No. It doesn't matter now. Man up.'

I continued to tear at my wall.

reckless - BFB FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now