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He looked away from the bat.

"What is that for..?"

"Oh, these things? It's a funny story."

No. No, it probably isn't.

He laughed as he told me the whole story.

"So, like, I was talking to Firey.. and I gave him a paper telling him to come to my room, and when he's here, we'll kill him. Shove the yoyleberries in his mouth and beat him with a bat. It's only right."


This isn't right.

Is it?

"Yeah haha, such a nuisance he was." He continued.

His plan was good, i'll admit. Especially seeing that the hosts were gone.


He left.


Battle For BFDI ended.

There's nothing left.

Nobody won. He left last minute and everyone got upset over it.

The other host tried calming them down.

He died in the process, probably by a contestant.

We can only assume Four is dead, as well.

Still, back to my point.

"Coiny, you can't do that!" I shouted louder than expected.

He looked at me. Dead in the eye.

"DON'T. Raise your voice at me. Or i might have to hurt you as well." He chuckled as he gripped the bat.

"You wouldn't." I shivered as I backed up.

He rushed at me.

"Oh, but I would."

All I could feel was pain.

And sadness.

The pain was from my head, he probably hit me there.

I fell onto the floor, screaming in pain.

"Oh, there goes the last of your point..."

I could hardly hear Coiny, my screams were too loud.

"That's a shame. It was pretty, even broken."

I grabbed my head as my vision got blurry.

"Man, you wasted my time. Now I have to kill him when you wake up."


This isn't Coiny.

He wouldn't voluntarily hurt me.

The last words I heard were..

"Sleep tight."

Then I blacked out.

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