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She's dead.⌫

She's actually dead.

No jokes this time. No miracles.

I put down the shard of the flower 'pot', picking up Pin's lifeless body.

It's unfortunate. Really.

I'll miss her.

I walked out into the hallway, casually. Blood staining the floor.

I swung the front door and went outside, careful not to let anyone from
other houses see.

I glanced at the garbage bin. A few steps away.


I opened the bin and slowly, hesitantly put her body inside, closing it.

I got chills as I looked away and walked back to the front yard.

I then went back inside, to the kitchen sink.

I washed my hands thoroughly of the blood before sitting down at the table.

A tear.

I wiped the tear off my face quickly and looked around, in case anybody was here.

Thankfully not.

I wouldn't want them too see me,

a superior,

to be crying.

I sighed in relief.

"Sorry Pin." I chuckled.

I rested my head on the table, and heard a bang noise shortly after.

The door was kicked open again.

"It's you."

I turned around.

"You killed her."


Of course, this little snitch.

He looked around before looking me dead in the eye.

"I'm gonna tell everyone." He said before leaving the house again.

filler lol, but enjoy :]
also sorry its really short!! writers block

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