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❥Day 20.

Bad thoughts.

They won't stop coming back.

Murder, torture. Abuse. Everything in between.

I didn't want to hurt anyone.

I don't want anyone dead.

Every now and then, I felt myself twitching, and I would think about that again.

I sped out the front door and into the flower bed.

I was hoping the flowers would calm me down and keep the thoughts away.

Surprisingly, ever since i've been staying in the garden, the twitching was gone. I wasn't thinking evilly.

My cure.

Flowers! Of course.

I smiled and started shoveling out one flower that caught my eye. A sparkling blue one.

Pin wouldn't mind. It's such a small flower anyway, like me.

I rushed back to Pins room and found a small cup.

I put the flower and dirt in the cup. It looked perfect.

Now I don't have to worry about almost killing people! Hah.


What's happening to me..?

I'm not the same..

I hugged the plant, crying softly. The team was going to fall apart. I knew it.

And i'm the cause.

He was metal, shimmering in the moonlight. Yoyle metal was dull, but very shiny at night occasionally.

He rested his hand on mine. I looked at him, to see him looking back.

He had a stupid smile. I laughed, I loved when he smiled.

"I'll never let you go." He whispered, like someone would hear him.

I was so happy to be friends with him, I could do nothing but embrace him in a tight, warm hug.

"Me neither." He hugged back as I said so.

But now that's gone.

I picked up the plant once more, and walked out of Pin's room.

"I guess you don't wash away the sad thoughts too." I smiled.


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