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control your heart rate

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ADRIAN SIGHED AS HE LISTENED TO HIS DAD AND MOTHER ARGUE BACK AND FORTH, LEAVING HIM IN THE MIDDLE OF IT. He was currently at the parent/teacher conference due to the fact that he was required to attend with his grades not being good enough; hence another reason his mum and dad were arguing.

"He would be doing way better in school if he stayed with me!" His dad stated as the Martins exited the school. Adrian cringed. Did they really have to do this out in public? He thought.

"It's not my fault neither of them want to live with you!" His mum argued back with a furious look in her eyes. Adrian rolled his eyes, trying to step as far away from his parents as possible.

In the middle of the parking lot, he noticed Scott and Allison together with their parents in front of them. Adrian felt sorry for them, knowing they must be furious with them; a feeling he knew all too well.

A high pitched scream caught Adrian's attention in the parking lot, alerting others as well. Parents, students and even a few teachers were running mad around the car park; some looking lost while others looked scared.

Adrian split off from his parents, taking slow steps around the car park. People were screaming, trying to get to their cars as fast as possible. What is going on?

"Move! Move!" Adrian turned his head just as a car beeped their horn, the sound making him tense. In the corner of his eye, Adrian could see Sheriff Stilinski running towards something which set an alarm through Adrian.

"Sheriff!" The teen chases after him in worry, the only thing going through his mind being he had to make sure he didn't get hurt. Stiles couldn't afford to lose another parent.

Before Adrian could alert the man, a car backed into the him. Sheriff Stilinski was sent to the ground, making the teen run faster. It didn't seem to be a hard hit, but definitely one that would cause a few injuries.

Fear tore at his face and veins as the Martin knelt down besides the older Stilinski, his eyes wide. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." The man shook it off. He reached down to his ankle where a gun was being held in its holster. Adrian covered his ears as the shots rang off, more screams sounding.

Then . . . silence. People gathered in crowds, looking at whatever had been hit. Adrian knew from the crowds that Stiles' dad was too far to have hit whatever had appeared. So who did?

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