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i know.


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THE PLAYING RADIO STOPPED WHEN STILES STILINSKI PARKED HIS JEEP AT THE FRONT OF THE AIRPORT, A THICK SILENCE HANGING BETWEEN HIM AND HIS PASSENGER. Adrian bit his lip as he held back tears, playing with his fingers as they shook. "So . . . I guess this is it."

"Y-Yeah." Stiles let out a heavy breath, giving a stiff nod as his fingers anxiously drummed against the steering wheel. His glossed over hazel eyes didn't fully rest on the green ones opposite him as he turned in his seat ever so slightly. "How-How long are you going to be gone for?"

"Just for the summer." The redhead reached behind him to scratch the back of his neck, eyes looking ahead of him at the bustling airport. ". . . I'm staying with some of Toby's family for the funeral."

Stiles nodded, another hated silence hanging around them. The Stilinski boy loathed it most of all as he debated everything over in his mind, sighing. "Screw it." He whirled round and grabbed the Martin in the tightest hug he could give, tears leaking onto his neck. "I'll miss you." He croaked out sweetly.

Not even Adrian Martin could hold back the tears as he hugged back. He thought the hardest part of leaving Beacon Hills would be saying goodbye Lydia and his mother . . . but saying goodbye to Stiles Stilinski was a whole new thing.

"I'm going to miss you too." The redhead clung onto him, inhaling his scent one final time as his forehead rested on the pale boy's chest. "So much." He mumbled, voice muffled from the shirt.

"You better call and text me everyday." Stiles let out a teary chuckle, sniffling as the two pulled away to stare at other as their time was coming to an end.

"I will." Adrian promised, reaching forwards to cup the now healed cheek of Stiles Stilinski. He smiled admirably at him. "You have my word."

Unable to keep himself at bay any longer, Stiles cupped the back of the Martin's neck to bring their lips together. The kiss was passionate, both teens never wanting it to end as they sat in a moment of bliss. As soon as they kissed, it felt like magic. It felt like, even for a moment, things were okay.

When they broke apart, the Martin boy was reminded of the pain and what he was about to experience, a deep sorrow filling his chest when Stiles pulled away. Both boy's breaths were slightly heavier due to the shared kiss, Adrian biting his lip as he checked his phone. It was almost time.

Stiles generously helped the boy unload all his bags from the back of the jeep, the redhead not having that much luggage to carry thankfully. When the final case was set down, both boys went silent as people passed busily around them.

"Well . . . I guess I'll see you after the summer." Adrian adjusted the straps on his bag, swinging it over his shoulder as he gathered up his things.

"Yeah . . . I guess so." The buzz headed boy could only nod, feeling something eating away at him.

Adrian sadly nodded, realising the conversation wasn't going any further. This was goodbye. "Bye, Stiles. I'll call you when I land." He muttered, blinking repeatedly to stop the watering of his eyes.

"Yeah, please do." Stiles' trainers kicked at the pavement lightly, hands stuffed in his jean pockets.

The Martin nodded, slowly beginning to wheel his things away to enter the airport. As soon as his back was turned to the boy, Adrian felt his heart panic and tears collect again.

Don't cry. The young boy scolded himself, eyes squeezing shut. Don't cry.


At the sound of his name and the familiar voice, Adrian spun round to see Stiles quickly running over to him. The Martin stared at him curiously, his eyebrows furrowed. "Yeah, Stiles? Is something wr-"

Adrian Martin's green eyes widened when the pressure of Stiles Stilinski's lips came to rest upon his again, shocking him to his core. His heart and mind immediately made him respond back, his arms dropping his things to hold the boy's forearms.

When the Stilinski boy pulled away, he rested his forehead against the starstruck Martin boy. Stiles smiled sweetly at him. "I love you." He admitted, feeling his heart fly free at the fallen words he had been wanting to say for so long.

Adrian Martin's gaze was nothing but loving as he grinned, a certain cheekiness to his mood. "I know."

The boy gaped at his words, mouth popping open at the reference as the other boy laughed. "You watched Star Wars for me?" Stiles' heart pounded, hands holding the redhead tighter.

Adrian nodded, feeling rather proud of himself. "Yep." When he received a smack to the back of the head, the boy's look immediately turned into an offended one. "Ow! What was that for?!"

"That was for watching Star Wars without me!" Stiles exasperated, hugging him as soon as the words left his mouth as a blissful sigh escaped him. "I love you, Adrian Martin."

Adrian smiled sadly, knowing his flight for England was going to be called soon. "I love you too, Stiles Stilinski."

Pulling away from one another was the hardest thing either of them had to do, but they did it as Adrian waved goodbye at the boy standing outside the entrance to the airport, the boy waving right back.

"Oh, and Stilinski!" The ginger haired boy shouted back to him, making some people shoot him odd looks as they passed. Stiles turned expectantly to his boyfriend, watching as the smirk he had learned to love more than anything came onto his face. "Try not to get into too much trouble while I'm gone."

A U T H O R. N O T E
finished date: fifth of april at 05:16 ( 2020 )
i cannot believe that is ' dead man ' finished! i actually finished a fic for once!

big thanks to my bff mr_half_and_half for dealing with my dramatic writers block self and slapping some encouragement into me when i felt like all hope for this book was lost. you da best and i'm sorry i talk about dylan o'brien way too much.

love you all and want to thank you for the support you have shown this book, your comments and votes make my day! i hope that if you are interested in a second book, you'll tell me what you think and stick around!

love you all and want to thank you for the support you have shown this book, your comments and votes make my day! i hope that if you are interested in a second book, you'll tell me what you think and stick around!#stidrian

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