Chapter 13

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Leslie's Pov


Today is the day.

I feel it in me. The air inside my lungs is going crazy. God what's going on.

breath, Leslie, breath. i kept telling myself. But it was nearly imposible to do. Getting out of the bed, i see the clock 12:43am

Swiftly, i fled out to the door and stepped out of the hallway. I suddenly fell to the ice cold wooden floor.

breath, Leslie, breath. i kept telling myself again at least try to....

I yelled out in a hoarse raspy voice saying, "Mom! Ashley! Hel-" I stop immideatly because i need to be quiet, i need my air.

A few seconds have passed and door flew open and everything was flashing through my head. My mom coming up to me. Me, still breathing as much as i could. Ashley, looking at me while I'm still at the floor.

Everything happened so fast.

This is it

You're dying Leslie, I say to myself as less and less air starts making its way to my lungs.

Tears streamed down my face. "Shhh... don't get scared Leslie," a familiar voice says to me. A man. "Everything is going to be okay. Don't Panic"

Well, its kinda hard when your in my position I say mentally to the person whoever talking to me hoping he could hear me in my thoughts.

In the End, all I remember is darkness consuming me

This is the end I guess.

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