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Mando landed the ship next to a rick wall where it would be shielded from sight from above. As he pulled his rifle over his shoulder and loaded extra charges on his belt, he noticed his involuntary partner shealthing a sharpened katana blade and holsting a small blaster. She then locked eyes with him—she knew exactly where they were, so he suppose she wasn't bluffing on the whole touch-sensing theory.

"You wouldn't have any extra charges I can carry?" Reina requested. "If this job is as dangerous as it's rumored by those hunters who didn't return," She paused with a smirk. "We are going to need all the fire power we can supply on our persons."

Mando didn't deny the idea, but didn't trust this blind hunter's skill with aim yet.

He and Reina exited the Razor Crest. Mando used a terrain reader to scan the planet Arvala-7.

"So, what does it look like?" Reina joked subtly.

"Deserted." Mando replied. "Rocky." He gazed over the landscape. "I say we start by getting to higher ground to get a better look."

"Aye-aye, sir." Reina saluted. Abruptly, she sensed a tremor in the ground.

"Hey, keep up." Mando called as he began making his way towards the gorge.

"Mando! Stop!"

Before Reina could reach him, something very large bellowed and attacked her partner. Mando attempted to fight it off with his flamethrower gauntlet and his blaster, but was tackled and his arm was chomped down on by a massive creature. A second one appeared, and it charged towards Reina.

She shut her eyes to get a better sense where it was closing in from, readying herself for a fight. Her fingers locked around her blaster, bracing for the right moment.

"Watch out!" Mando shouted, just as the creature holding onto him was shot down by a mysterious tranquilizer. Reina whipped out her weapon, but caught herself to fire when she felt the beast collapse to the ground. She could see Mando rising to his feet with his back turned to her.

"Who's there?" She called out, walking towards Mando's figure, but she ended up tripping over the creature's foot. With everything step, she got a better mindset of her surroundings. Mando was right—the terrain of the planet was rocky and flat from where she stood.

"Thank you." Reina heard Mando say. She automatically assumed they were not alone.

"You two are bounty hunters." A rough voice sounded above Reina. She could sense another one of those creatures, but this one was calmer.

"Yes." Mando answered.

"You both are here on a job?"


"I know what you seek." The stranger declared. "I will help you. Follow me."

Reina stood next to Mando. "Thank you, kind sir." she said, and glanced over at her partner, who recipricated the gesture. "After you, Mando." They were led to a nearby farm where their host offered tea and information about their target.

"You helped other bounty hunters who have come for the same target?" Reina asked.


"And what happened to them?"

"They all died."

"Well, now I'm not sure I want your help." Mando scuffed.

"Mando, we don't have a choice but to trust him." Reina ensured, and then smiled kindly to their new guide. "We appreciate your help. We are in a hurry, so we best be on our way."

See Me, See You: A Mandalorian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now