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Reina leaned against the steel wall down in the landing deck, her head tilted to the side and her dark eyes closed, indicating she was sound asleep. As her chest rose and fell at a graduate pace, she dreamed about a peaceful planet, with lush green blanketing the surface and rivers flowing across the terrain. It was quiet, with the only sound being the nature around her as she stood in the middle of a forest, wandering and exploring through it. Out of nowhere, fire exploded into the treetops, the ground beneath her feet rumbled, and the clear-blue sky vanished and was replaced by a sickly red hue. She sprinted away from the sudden danger, but falling, burning branches blocked her way, the ash bounced off on impact and they got caught in Reina's eyes. She screamed as she could no longer.

That's when Reina gasped awake, and for a moment she thought she was still in her nightmare as the Razor Crest rocked unstably. It didn't last long, and once the ship relaxed, Reina took a few calming breaths before climbing up to the cockpit to check on Mando and the child. Mando was managing the controls, and on his lap was the little green baby with the most curious eyes. "Everything okay up here?" She smiled at the cute picture.

"Mhmm." Mando hummed, pressing a few buttons on the console, studying the monitor. "Let's see...Sorgan..." He pointed out a nearby planet. "Looks like there's no star ports, no industrial centers, and low population density." Mando glanced behind at Reina. "Which means it's perfect for us." Reina agreed, placing a hand on his armored shoulder. Mando then looked down and spoke to the baby, who gazed up with a coo. "You ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a few months, you little womp rat?"

"You sure no one will find us?" Reina asked, lifting the child from Mando's lap and holding it on her own. Her partner set the Razor Crest to the coorinates for Sargan and turned to Reina. "If they do, we'll take care of it." Reina nodded, and then hummed to herself.

"You were screaming in your sleep earlier." Mando mentioned. Reina didn't reply, only squeezed the child's tiny three-fingered hand. Mando cleared his throat. "Sorry, didn't mean to embarrass you."

"No, it's cool." Reina sighed, leaning back into her seat. "It was about the past...how I became blind in the first place."

"Really?" Mando turned his full attention to her.

"I was seven years old, almost eight, and I used to live on the beautiful planet of Haloes. Lushed with green, vibrant, and peaceful. I had a big family: six sibilings, a loving mother, a supportive father. We had a home in a small village where we made a living harvasting Janga fruit. Everything was perfect...I was the second youngest, so I got away with a lot. My father secretly taught all his children how to defend ourselves. I never knew why back then, but looking back...The Empire ruled over the galaxy. While our planet was relatively neutral, my father feared the Empire would come...He was right."

"What happened?" Mando urged softly when Reina paused briefly.

"I remember it so vividly...My mother had told me to go help my father and older sibilings with planting next harvest's seedlings, but I didn't listen because my friends and I had decided to play in the forest. There was a secret waterfall that had an opening when the solstice sun shined on it twice a year: and that was where we could find the most beautiful crystal cave...wall to wall there were millions of priceless gems...I headed out later than my friends, but I knew my way and expected to catch up with them when I reached the watefall. One moment, I was prancing through the forest, the sky a clear blue hue..."

"Reina?" Mando breathed, the child in Reina's arms gazed up at her with curious eyes, as she fought to keep her eyes from watering.

"The sky was the color of blood. Star destroyers hovered just within the atmosphere and opened fire upon the surface. The forest was in flames as I raced back towards my home. The smoke was so thick that I couldn't see where I was going and I charged straight into a fallen burning branch...my eyes took in some ash. And that was that."

Mando was speechless.

"I was found by a friend of my parents'. He told me my family...didn't make it. He raised me into the hunter I am today...When he died, I found myself on Nevarro, taking up jobs and building a reputation, and never leaving..."

There was a moment of silence. Reina rearrange the baby in her arms so she could look into its eyes. It babbled a few sounds and reached his tiny hand out to her. "You know, Mando? I'm glad we did this."


"Because for me, it feels like a new start...for a new life." Reina smiled genuinely. "Don't you agree?"

Mando didn't know how to respond, but he didn't have to when his monitor suddenly began beeping, alerting him that they had arrived at the planet Sargon. "I think we can all use a break. How about you?"

"That sounds perfect, Mando."

See Me, See You: A Mandalorian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now