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"Mando, wait!" Reina warned her partner, but the Mandalorian had already disintegrated a Jawa with his blaster-disruptor rifle before she opened her mouth. The rest of the Jawas scurried back into their moving fortress, but Mando managed to zap a few more before the massive ramp closed and the fortress began to trek dirt. Immediately, Mando jumped to his feet and sprinted after it. Reina lost sight of him and she was left with the little green baby in its levitating capsule.

"Well, damn." She looked at the child with an annoyed expression. "What could go wrong?" The child replied with a coo and a head-cock to the side. "Yeah, you're right." Reina sighed. "Let the blind one save the day."

Reina sprinted after Mando and the moving fortress, with the baby floating right behind her, feeling the rig's earthquake-like vibrations in the ground. The bigger they got, the closer she knew she was getting. Unfortunately, Reina never got closer, in fact, the more she ran, the farther it got. It only increased its speed. However, eventually, she found Mando.

He was sprawled out on the rocky terrain, not moving an inch, and for a moment, Reina was afraid the Jawas killed him. "Oh, please don't be dead." She knelt down at his side and put a hand on his chest. Just as she reached her hand to remove his helmet, she caught herself. Okay, she thought, and only lifted it to where she could place her fingers on his throat to check his pulse. He was alive.

"Mando, can you hear me?" Reina shook him gently, and in reply received a moan. She smiled, and hooked her arm around his to help him to his feet. "Come on, partner. Up you go. I see the chase was a success." She didn't receive an answer.

They returned to the Razor Crest...or what was left of it. Reina could feel the frustration rising in Mando. He really cared about his ship. He also cared about getting this job they were hired to do completed, and now another setback. The two bounty hunters did the only thing they thought they could do...

"We need your help again." Reina begged Kuiil.

"Of course, you do." The Ugnaught nodded.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Mando questioned, but Kuiil only waved his hand. "I have spoken."

"The Jawas destroyed my ship." Mando explained.

"Stripped, actually. The Jawas do not destroy." Kuiil corrected him.

"Stripped. Destroyed. What difference does it make?" Mando became more frustrated, and Reina reached out her hand to calm him. "Will you help us?" she asked politely.

"Yes." Kuiil nodded again, and it wasn't long until Reina, Mando, and the child sat in the back of a trailer pulled by Kuiil's blurrg. They travelled to the Jawas hideout, where the native thieves jabbered with commotion as they approached them. "They seem to not like you." Kuiil stated the obvious.

"Well, Mando did disintegrated a few of them." Reina pointed out.

"They got what they deserved for tearing down my ship." This comment made Reina crack a smile.

When Kuiil finally came to a halt, the bounty hunters mounted off the trailer. "What about the baby?" Reina mentioned. "We can't just leave him here." As if on cue, a couple of the nuisances popped up and started picking at the child's big ears. "Hey! Leave it alone!" Mando demanded, pulling out his blaster.

"Mando, wait!" Reina pushed on Mando's chest as the Jawas scrurried away. "I'll just hold him." Reina picks up the baby and cradles him gently in her arm, then she joined Mando and Kuiil as they sat down across the Jawas. She couldn't anything in front of her, but she could estimate that the entire tribe of Jawas were there. All she could see and feel were her allies, and the asset in her arms. The Jawas spoke in their jibberish language.

See Me, See You: A Mandalorian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now