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The Razor Crest touched down on Arvala-7 only several yards from the Ugnaught Kuiil's farm, who welcomed the crew aboard inside his home where Kuiil was content to discover Reina could finally had her vision back.

"You can see? That is good news." The Ugnaught congratuated her. "How is it possible?"

"Well, it's complicated to explain." Reina smiled, relieved she could finally lay her eyes on the kind farmer for real. "Mando and I still don't know how exactly. But it was..." Her gaze fell upon the baby, who cooed in Kuiil's direction.

"It hasn't grown much." he noticed, leaning away from the baby's grabbing hand. "It looks evolved. Too ugly. This one," Kuiil pointed at Cara. "looks like she was farmed in the Cytocaves of Nora." Cara smirked as if that was a compliment.

"This is Cara Dune." Mando introduced her. "She was a shock trooper."

"And a Dropper." Kuiil's finger went to the tattoo on Cara's right bicep.

"Did you serve?" Cara questioned.

"On the other side, I'm afraid." Kuiil admitted. "But I am free because I was able to pay off my debt, and now I serve no one but myself." From behind the Ugnaught, a towering black droid ducked under to enter the hut, carrying a tray of cups. Immediately, Cara and Mando whipped out their blasters, aiming at the droid's longated head, while Reina tried to process what was going on. "You guys?! Hold on!"

"Wait! Please!" Kuiil rose and stood between the droid and his guests. "Lower your blasters. He will not harm you."

Reina finally got a good look at the droid and recognized it as an IG unit assassin droid. A very dangerous machine with only one order in its programming: to kill. And yet...here was an IG unit offering them tea?

"That thing is programmed to kill the baby." Mando stretched his blaster out even more.

"Not anymore." Kuiil assured, and told them how he found it back at the compound where Mando and Reina (or really, just Mando) 'captured' the child as an asset...it seemed years ago since Reina's first job with the Mandalorian. Kuiil then continued to explained how he completely rewired and reprogrammed it to where he had to teach the droid the very basics of functioning.

"Is it still a hunter?" Mando excused.

"No," Kuiil assured again. "But it will protect."

Reina watched as Mando glared deeply at the IG unit, until the droid offered tea again, at which Cara and Reina accepted, and Mando sighed audibly.

Suddenly, Reina's temples were triggered into a painful sensation, as if her skull was shrinking into her brain. Her eyes squeezed shut as her palm pressed into the sides of her head, but she didn't make a sound to announce the abrupt discomfort. "Excuse me for a momenf." She gritted through her teeth and quickly left the Kuiil's house.

"Reina?" Mando called, but received no answer. He looked at Kuiil and Cara, who both gestured to follow her. When he did, the Ugnaught and ex-shock trooper exchanged glances as Cara quietly sipped her tea.



I sucked through my teeth and gasped to exhale as I stumbled away from the house, thrashing my head side to side. Once I was near the Crest, I crumbled to my knees and keeled over, my hairline digging into the dirt. Every part of my body was screaming as if every cell was a needle. My eyes wanted to pop out of their sockets they throbbed so profusingly. Tears managed to spew out from my crushing eyelids.

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