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A day had passed since Mando and Reina were rescued, and while his partner was resting in her own quarters, the Mandalorian inspected the repairs on the Razor Crest, that way he could insure the child was not discovered. Beforehand, he ordered that no droid was to touch Reina nor his ship, but unfortunately didn't get his way.

Ran's hospitality was greatly welcomed, but there was still the matter of the exchange Mando had agreed to when he was desperate for help. Basically, Ran's job was to rescue a prisoner from a New Republic prison ship, and it was a four-person job—Mando was the fourth member and the Razor Crest was included. Mando didn't really have a choice since he technically owed Ran for saving him, Reina, and the Crest, so ultimately he agreed, mostly because even though his ship was part of the deal, his partner was not, and Reina would staying at the base to recover.

Once the interior of the Crest was repaired and the exterior was receiving its final touches, Mando decided it was time to visit Reina and check on her. Opening the vertical-sliding door, he stepped into a santitary white quarter-space, with a bed built into the wall, a private bathing space in a connected room, and a rectangular window looking out at the empty void.

Perched on a metal stool, gazing mindfully out the glass with her chin supported on her propped-up hand, was Reina. She had changed out her armor and her Sorgan attire for a pair of satin nightwear that flowed loosely on her arms, torso, and legs. Her free dark-brown wavy curls have grown longer, the tips just passing her shoulders, her bangs that swooped across her forehead fell just above her brows. In the brightly lit room, Mando could clearly see the speckled pattern on her nose and cheeks. Her tan skin have gained its complexion back.

"Reina." Mando breathed softly, hoping to not startle her from her trance.

"Let me guess," She let her head sling over her neck to leer at him. "There's a job and I'm not allowed to participate." Before Mando could argue, Reina held up her free hand to stop him. "It's okay. I rather sit this one out anyway." She rotated her focus back out the window. "My eyes are hurting, Mando."

"Your eyes?" Mando repeated, stepping closer until he parked right next to his partner, and he placed his gloved hand on her shoulder. "Are you having trouble with your vision.?"

"Not as of right now. But lately...for the past few weeks..." Reina's voice trailed off, as she wanted to drop the subject and never bring it up again. "I've been rubbing them a lot lately, like there is a never-ending tick in them that I can't get rid of. Somedays are worse than others, but when I woke up...It was the worst pain I've ever felt."

"You should have a doctor check your eyes while I am on this job." Mando suggested, but Reina shook her head. "The doctor has already done everything it could do. At this moment, they are fine. The med droid is running some tests and will sure have results while you are on the job. So I'll have news for you when you return."

Reina removed her chin from her palm and straightened her body to where she completely faced her concern partner. "Mando, while you are on this job, please do not be distracted by me." She reached out both her slender hands to enclose his hand that wasn't on her shoulder. "Focus on the task and come back to me safely."

Mando's hand moved from her shoulder and brushed the back of his gloved fingers on her cheek. "I will." Then, he turned on his heel and exited Reina's quarters, ready for the hearing associated with his job.



I partly told the truth to my partner. My vision was still intact, but my irises were on fire. But that shouldn't stop me—I'm stronger than this. I could at least see him off on his job, and so I changed my clothes back into the tunic Omera had given me and headed out to the main hanger, where Mando was standing around a hologram with five other beings.

See Me, See You: A Mandalorian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now