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"Hand over the child, Mando." The Guild hunter demanded over the monitor. "And I might let you and Reina Beckett live." With the electricity crackling and metal rattling, the Razor Crest seemed to be in trouble as Mando maneuvered through the open space, dodging laser blasts from their pursuor. The Mandalorian frantically switched controls across the console, while Reina remained strapped in behind him holding onto the baby tightly.

The hunter found its mark on the left engine turbine, causing the alarms to blare inside the cockpit. "Hold on." Mando warned before looping into a barrel roll, but the hunter remained tagged on the Razor Crest.

"I can bring you in warm or I can bring you in cold." The man over the monitor mocked. Mando jammed some switches, causing the ship to screech to almost a halt, and thrusted it backwards so that the enemy would power ahead in front of the Razor Crest. "That's my line." Mando stated, and slammed his thumbs onto the cannon buttons, demolishing the hunter's ship.

"Nice job." Reina huffed, trying to gain her bearings as the child just giggled in her arms. The Crest had taken a lot of damage, however, and Mando was more concern with keeping his ship in tact. "We're losing fuel." He read the monitor, and in result, transitioned the ship to its emergency power. The left engine that was damaged sputtered.

"Mando." Reina said, but Mando was preoccupied. "Mando? Mando!" She raised her voice to get his attention. The Mandalorian stopped and looked away from the beeping console. "What?" He grumbled.

"If you calm down for a moment, you'll see we are near a planet." Reina informed. "We can land in a hangar and get the Razor Crest repaired."

"Fine." Mando agreed, and intercommed into a radio operating station on the planet. The radio performed some static before clearing a deep voice saying, "This is Mos Eisley Tower. We are now tracking you. Head over to Bay Three-Five. Over."

"Copy that." Mando said, reaching up to the overhead controls and locked in the coorinates for Bay Three-Five. The ship moved into the atmosphere of Tatooine, the entire surface of the planet was coarse and dry with sand. At last, it touched down a hangar full of scrap metal and ship parts.

Before exiting the ship, Mando gently laid the child, after rocking it to sleep, swaddled in its blankets, in the empty compartment where he would be hidden and safe.

Upon the ramp lowering, three little shipyard droids sprung to life and waddled their way to inspect the ship, but the Mandalorian wasn't having it and immediately shot at their feet, causing them to scurry and contract into a boxed position. "Mando, jeez." Reina sighed behind him.

"Hey. Hey!" A woman with big frizzy hair shouted angrily and emerged from her console. "You damage one of my droids, you'll pay for it!" She stomped right up to Mando, waving her checkpad in her hand.

"Just keep them away from my ship." Mando compromised.

"Oh yeah, you think that's a good idea, do ya?" The mechanic snapped, observing the ship from where she stood and she could clearly see the hot mess the Razor Crest was in. "Let's look at your ship, shall we?" She then began inspecting the Crest herself, banging on the exterior walls, audibly noting everything out of place. "How did you even land this thing? This is going to set you way back."

"I've got 500 Imperial credits." Mando offered.

"That's all you got?" The mechanic's bottom lip pursed, unimpressed, and snatched the credits from the Mandalorian.

"I'll get you your money." Mando promised.

"Hmm, I've heard that before." The mechanic nodded.

"Just remember—"

See Me, See You: A Mandalorian StoryWhere stories live. Discover now