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With a belly full of warm food, I sigh in contentment as Elik sets me down. I'm not as panicked anymore. Not as clingy, so I don't insist on him holding me, but I'm still a little clingy. I hold onto his hand like a life preserver.

The idea of being left cold and alone terrifies me.

Elik might be strange, and alien, but I don't care. The guy saved my life. I don't want him to leave me. The mere idea sends a shot of panic straight to my stomach, rolling it with nausea.

My heart rate speeds up when Posy hands me a stack of clothes.

"I'm warming up some water if you want to clean up." She offers, and she's very kind, but the idea of being by myself, even to bathe, it's not good. Everything in me rebels against it. I've been alone too long.

I have to swallow the fear when I take the folded fabric and nod silently. Posy grins. Her shiny blonde hair is tucked behind her shoulder. She's beautiful, and I try not to get jealous.

It doesn't much matter how I look, I survived. Beauty doesn't matter when you're locked up. In fact, it's best not to be attractive at all. Beauty gets you attention. Beauty gets you hurt.

As I slowly follow Posy, I look up at Elik. His face is serious, tense. He always seems to be looking around suspiciously. A neat trimmed beard and his short hair make him a little too handsome. I'm attracted to him, and not only because of his looks. I tighten my hold on his hand. Maybe I do want to be beautiful now.

"Let me know if you need anything." There's a big copper tub, and she pours the last pot full of hot water. She nods at Elik before walking out and shutting the door firmly. I turn to him, and he puts the clothes down on the window sill.

We're both silent, which is normal, especially for me. I've found that Elik is pretty quiet. We're a bit similar in that regard.

I would've thought that aliens were impossible. Aliens? It doesn't make sense. But, after the miracle of being saved, aliens don't seem so far fetched anymore.

"Partrusia mes teak luupin." He murmurs, pointing at the door. I furrow my eyebrows, not understanding what he means. He walks to the door, opening it and standing outside expectantly.

Oh, he wants to tell me he'll be right outside. I smile a little bit, nodding my head. He's so thoughtful. I try not to freak out when the door closes, sealing me in. I don't think about how the room is small and enclosed as I slip out of my clothes and lower myself into the tub.

I try to scrub my scalp as quickly as possible. Washing my body, I watch as the scents and smudges of my traumatic past washes away in the water. It's been a long time since I've gotten to clean myself up. Of course, the men that held us would bathe us. But the water was always scalding hot, and it was a humiliating routine.

The soap smells fresh, flowery. I'm generous with the bar. Pretty soon I'm ready to see Elik again, and I don't want to be alone any longer.

I dry off, putting on the soft clothes and fleeing the room. I realize I'm panting. Panic is overtaking me as the seconds tick by, and I need to see him again. I have to make sure he's still here, that he hasn't left me.

He's still there. His serious face stares down at me, that gaze warming me up, calming me down. I reach for his hand automatically. Elik nods in approval before leading me away.

I follow him trustingly. I trail behind him, almost too close to his back. He takes me to a small room with a queen sized bed by the kitchen. It's warm in here, dark and comfortable. I feel relieved.

Elik takes a step towards the bed, lifting a wooden brush from the bedside table. I subconsciously touch my hair. It's long, and it's also a mess of knots. I gulp nervously at the sight. That will probably be painful, but it has to happen eventually.

My alien must see the fear in my eyes, because he reaches out and gently brushes my arm. If it was anyone else, I would've flinched, but there's something different about Elik.

"Hashel dus melekin." He informs me quietly. Even if I can't understand, his voice is so soft and the only thing I need.

He sits down on the covers, reaching for me slowly. I climb onto his lap. He's immediately touching me, carefully taking my hair in his hands and taking his time parting the tangles from each strand.

There's a few moments where the brush gets stuck, or there's a tug here or a snag there, but for the most part it's actually relaxing. The conditioner I used in the tub helped to loosen the wet locks. Elik is patient, and yet diligent in detangling. Every touch is delicate and measured.

It's the first time in a long time that I haven't felt pain at the physical contact of another person. It feels nice. Pleasant. I don't want him to stop.

Eventually, he's done, and he stands up reluctantly. I'm reminded about how freakishly tall he is. He towers over me, and I bite my lip when he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. I lean into his hand as he cups my face.

He smiles, a tiny little show of affection before backing away.

"Yaminellish exo palashooka." He murmurs, turning towards the door. Terror sparks me into action. I'm grabbing his arm and yanking hard, but he barely registers my attack.

He raises his dark eyebrows down at me, confusion drawn on his handsome face. I reach deep inside myself, finding any ounce of bravery that I can.

"Stay. Please?" I ask desperately, my voice no more than a whisper. It's hardly audible. I haven't spoken in so long, even I'm shocked.

Elik's face dawns in understanding. I blow out a shaky breath, thankful he has some sort of translation device. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those.

I guide him to the bed, climbing under the heavy blanket and watching him follow suite. He lays down beside me. His whole body is a little bit stiff, but I have other plans. I scoot closer until I can wrap my arms around him.

There's no safer place than tucked under his chin. His muscles gradually become relaxed as he sinks into the mattress. He returns my hold, his hands strong around me.

Sleep finds me swiftly, and I welcome it gladly, snuggling into my man like he's a giant teddy bear.

       Sleep finds me swiftly, and I welcome it gladly, snuggling into my man like he's a giant teddy bear

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