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I'm on edge when we board the ship. Elik is sure to comfort me, his broad arm is heavy on my shoulder, pretty much trapping me against him. I don't mind it, in fact, I welcome it. It makes me feel grounded.

The others are ahead of us. Posy and Torint are in the lead, and once again I find myself a little jealous of Posy. She's brave where I am not, she takes charge while I stay hidden in the shadows. I can't help but wonder if people would like me better if I were like her. Or Jane. She went through the same thing I did, but she can still talk and act normal.

I stare down at my feet as I walk along the metal ground of the ship. This planet broke me, and I'm leaving for good.


Not a drop of doubt is left in my mind as the ship rattles to life, ready to take off. There's not a fleeting moment where I question this decision. A planet full of men terrifies me, of course it does, but I'll be with Elik. I take a deep breath. I need to stay calm.

We take a left turn in the enormous ship, separating from the rest of the group. I don't mind, because I trust my alien man. Every now and then we'll pass another huge alien. All of them do the same thing. They stare at me with wide, amazed eyes. It's a bit scary. I look away, and Elik growls something in his language at them.

They scuttle away like they know what's good for them. I can't help the little flutter that burns in my stomach.

Eventually, we end up in a large room filled with equipment. Elik's arm leaves me, and he strides across the room to the shelves stuffed with things of all different shapes and sizes. I clutch myself in a hug to keep warm. He left me cold and empty.

I notice that most everything in here is some type of electronic. Little lights flash, some of them give off a deep hum. The Rytarians have lots of inventive things that we don't have on Earth. Including translation devices.

My heart picks up the pace. Is that what he's doing? Is he going to give me a translation chip?

It doesn't take long for my question to be answered. Elik turns around swiftly, a little black case in his hands. He stares at my ear with a troubled expression. I notice his fingers are trembling. What's got him so riled up?

He opens the tiny container, reaching inside and pulling out a chip. He frowns, pressing his lips together in a harsh line.

I take a few steps forward to meet him in the middle.

"Abachi tok." He murmurs, worry in his eyes. "Yanici." I have no idea what he's saying, but it sounds like an apology. What does he have to apologize for?

One of his hands cups my head, while the other snakes up my ear with the blinking device between his fingers. Once it touches my skin, I moan in pain.

Scorching agony assaults me, and I can't focus on anything else. Then, in a fleeting moment, it's gone. I desperately try to catch my breath as I stare up at Elik's worried face.

"I'm sorry, little female, I knew it would hurt, but it had to be done." He says slowly, his voice a thunder crack in my dim world, "It pained me more than you could know."

He pulls me into his chest, a safe place to remain. I close my eyes, listening to his heart thud roughly against my ear, knowing that this man cares for me. That's a miracle, because he's all I've ever wanted.

Elik is very quick to hustle me out the door and down the hall. I don't know where we're going, but he holds tightly to my hand. His fingers are warm and strong, safely guiding me through unfamiliar terrain.

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