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I yawn, and stretch, feeling like a well rested cat as my limbs extend. A satisfied smile splays on my face when I remember what happened. Oh my gosh, I can't even believe it.

Elik and I did it, and I don't know how to process it. After all that's happened to me, I feel like I need to be confused, or that I need to over analyze it. I realize that I'm just so happy, so why do I need to question that?

When I look around, expecting to see my mate, I'm met with an empty room. I don't have long to be confused before there's furious pounding at the front door. I nearly jump out of my skin at the noise.

There's yelling, but no sensical words that cant be desiphered theough the thick metal door. Fear spikes through me. I leap out of bed, trying to make a dash for the bathroom, when I suddenly realize that I'm naked.

My face flushes with heat, and I glance at the noisy door. I quickly grab some clothes, not looking or caring what they are. I find out that the shirt is way too big for me, it hits my knees. It's because this is Elik's shirt. I would know that smell anywhere, it's imprinted in my brain.

I don't have any time to hide, the door slides open. I take a few hurried steps backwards at the sight of 3 big, burly Rytarian males. They stare at me for a mere few seconds, then they descend on me.

Panic stirs me into action. I side step them, circling them with wide eyes. I want to cry, but I can't seem to get any tears going. Anger is all I find, and some fear.

"Female. You must come with us." One commands me, glaring at me since I dared to dodge him.

I open my mouth, willing words to come out. After all the effort, nothing happens. I close my mouth in disappointment. Elik still remains the only one I can talk to.

"Come on. We don't have a lot of time." He growls impatiently, grabbing for my shirt, I slap his hand away and walk towards the door skittishly. I wonder where Elik has disappeared to, and why he would leave me. I'm sure it was for something important. He would never abandon me.

The males exchange glances, and one pipes in.

"We will take you to your mate." I perk up at those wonderful words, wanting more than anything to be returned to him. I eye them angrily. Why did they have to just burst into my room? I have no idea what's going on here, but I don't like it.

I'm not sure they're telling the truth, but I'm sure that something fishy is going on here. I don't know what to do. For one thing, I have major issues trusting men, and on the other hand, I know that Rytarian males are inherently trustworthy. They worship females. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I nod my head, agreeing and hoping I'm making the right choice. This place is huge, I don't know what I'll do if I get lost. I'll just have to trust them to lead the way.

They walk out of the room, allowing me to follow them down the hallway. I wrap my arms around myself for comfort, I'm surrounded on all sides by unfamiliar testosterone and I can't stand it. I think of Elik's warm body and feel a little bit better. The only sound through the hallways is our steps, and their's are a little more sure footed than mine.

I'm quiet the whole time, and so are they, because there's nothing to say.

I can feel my heart beating in my throat, like a warning.

Once we get down another long corridor, a new male appears out of a door, practically falling out of the room. He stares at me, a grin spreading over his face.

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