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     I look at the wide arrangements of different foods. Many of them smell and look very appealing. The only problem is that none of them are familiar to me. I bite the inside of my cheek, chewing on the skin while I watch Elik load his plate with foods of every color. There's piles of things that he's picked out.

     Luckily, he doesn't pressure me to get my own plate. He chooses things that he thinks I'll like, solely based on what I've eaten from the meals they've sent to our room. All the decisions stress me out. I'm thankful for his help.

     I take Elik's offered hand that he holds out, lacing our fingers together firmly. He leads me through the crowds of men shoved into the small cafeteria. I guess that everyone on board the large ship is in this room at once. It's almost too much, but I hold onto Elik. He's my hope.

     He finally convinced me to leave the hidden haven that is our little apartment style room. It's been a week since our first kiss, and we've kissed a few times since then. It's been a blissful time, and I'm kind of scared of what's to come in the future.

     We're almost to Rytaria. We could land there any day. Then I'll really be the center of attention. I hate the idea. I look up at Elik. He looks straight ahead as he guides me with a gentle tug. He's so brave, he could face anything. It inspires me to be more like him. Fearless. Strong. I can be that for him, I have to be.

     "Hey, Penelope!" An excited voice calls, one that's distinctly feminine, and all too familiar. Jane and Posy sit side by side, elbows brushing. I offer a small wave and smile as we get closer.

     Torint has a heavy arm draped over his mate's shoulders. He nods to Elik, and Elik nods back. His other teammates are here too. They light up at the sight of their leader. I grimace a little, knowing it's all my fault that they haven't gotten to see him for the whole trip. He's been so hyper focused on me, and I've selfishly kept him to myself.

    Elik slides down onto the bench after me, but what I don't expect is when he scoots me forward. He sits behind me, his powerful thighs on either side of me. I'm trapped in front of him, but I don't mind. I feel safe. I am safe.

     "Did you hear the news?" Posy asks with excitement. I shake my head, watching Elik grab for some type of chicken leg thing and taking a ravenous bite that you would expect from a warrior.

     "I'm pregnant. We're having a kit!" Her announcement is hardly contained, and Elik's reaction is to choke on his food. My mouth drops open, and Posy smiles happily, actually laughing when Torint gives a boastfully puff of his chest.

     "So soon?" Elik asks, and I can't see him, but I sense his shock. "Why haven't you told me?"

     "Maybe because you were holed up with a pretty little human female." Muses Umner. Elik growls in a warning, but everyone just laughs. I smile a little. They're just teasing. It's good to have friends to hang out with. He should be happy he has them.

     I shyly look up at Posy and Jane through my eyelashes. They laugh and smile, exchanging words as they eat and talk. They make it look so simple. As if socializing is actually fun. I aspire to be like that. Before everything happened to me, I could easily talk with people. It all ended the day I was taken, my mind slowly deteriorating until I thought that there was nothing left of the person I once was.

     But slowly, I'm changing, as I figure out that I can heal. Elik is showing me I can be better, that I can grow.

     "I'm so glad you're here, Penelope." Jane says, reaching across the table and putting a hand on mine. I glance at her, and she nods at me reassuringly. I resist the urge to pull my hand away. Sometimes it's an automatic reaction to avoid physical contact. But her touch, it's comforting.

     I nod, not speaking still. I find that it remains a difficult thing to vocalize my thoughts. Maybe I'll try harder in the future.

     Leaning back, I realize how lucky I am to have the man behind me. Except he's not a man, not really. Men are evil, at least most of them, and Rytarian males have honor. They treat us with respect. Elik doesn't make me feel bad about my recovery. He accepts the fact that it takes one step at a time.

     I don't have to expand my comfort zone too quickly.

     A large hand makes its way into my view, a fork with food floats in front of my face. Elik's warm mouth presses against my ear.

     "You must eat, sweet one." He tells me, urging me to take a bite. I oblige him. The flavor is delicious, and I whisper a thank you, not knowing the reaction I would get. They're all staring at me now. Apparently, they weren't expecting me to speak, even if it was fairly quiet.

     I ignore them. If I see all those males looking at me, I might freak out. I'm tired of Elik seeing me have panic attacks. I hate seeing him worry, and wondering what he might secretly think of me. Though deep down, I know that he could never think bad of me. He treats me so kindly. He's so gentle, and I never would have expected it from someone of his size and mass.

     Looking at Posy and Torint, I wonder if Elik will want to be my mate. The idea seems so intimidating, almost impossible. Would he want me? I know he likes to kiss, but would he commit to a relationship?

     I'm not ready for sex. Not after what I've had to live through, the idea is scary. But I have an inclination that it would be different with Elik. Kissing him is amazing. I never dreamed I would want such intimacy for the rest of my life, and yet here I am. I'm almost anxious to get back to our room so we can do it again. Kissing him is the best thing imaginable.

     But I see myself being open to the idea of spending the rest of my life with Elik. He hasn't asked me if I want to be his mate. I try not to let it worry me.

     We've both changed for each other, and that has to count for something.

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