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     The Emperor's board of supervisors is hard to get into. They rarely speak with someone as lowley as me. I'm so unimportant compared to them. I've never been in their room or meetings before. It's strange to be standing before them and their hungry eyes. The ceiling is tall, the white pillars glistening. It's a magnificent place to be. I don't feel as though I belong here.

     As the only General that landed on Earth, and having saved a few females, I am commanded to attend this meeting alone to discuss the planet and what all transpired while we were there. I was informed that the Emperor will not be attending. He's too busy announcing to the whole city that we have a female human, and that she is pregnant with a Rytarian baby.

     It's a true miracle. I knew before Posy told us that humans and Rytarians are compatible to create kits. It's a whole different thing hearing that it worked, and so quickly too. Who knows how long Posy and Torint mated to create the kit, but it wasn't long.

     Once I'm standing before the board, they look me up and down. 5 males, all of them with their attention focused on me.

     Penelope is with Jane, and I'm thankful she trusts her enough to be without me. They connect on a special level, because they went through that awful tragedy together. I hope she will heal a bit more while I am away.

     "So, you have brought back only 3 females?" One of the members asks, finally starting the conversation even though I've been here for several seconds, just standing in silence.

     "Yes, we were told that there are plenty more on Earth, but we were ordered to come back home."

     One raises a hand, his eyes focusing on a computer tab on the table. He has a look of concern as everyone turns their attention onto him.

     "Is it true that Torint decided to kill several human males?" My jaw clenches at the mere mention of the males that hurt my Penelope. I don't like to think about them, it makes me too angry. I often remember them when Penelope shows her signs of trauma. She has nightmares, and still feels uncomfortable around too many males. I try to cover up my fury when those side effects of abuse make themself obvious, but I can't help but think of all the ways I could slaughter them.

     I wish I could have been the one to end them instead of Torint, but he got lucky opportunity. I would have loved to make them bleed.

     "Yes, that is correct. They were abusing females, kidnapping them and hurting them." The board's reaction is what I expect, they're shocked. A few gasps, widened eyes, gaping mouths.

     It's hard to believe because our kind has never taken females for granted. The idea that any race would treat their females like that is awful, unfathomable. Then again, we frequently take down slave ships, and many of those enslaved are females. We always hoped we would find a similar species to our own, but we never did, until now. And they are compatible, which we are all aware will change the course of history.

     Our species was going to perish, but now we will be saved.

     "How dare they? Those precious creatures being abused. I can't stand the idea of it." One board member says. His voice wobbles.

     "We will protect them at all costs." Pipes in another. They all agree wholeheartedly, and I'm relieved. It seems everyone wants to help the females. They are our priority now.

     "Do you have anything to tell us of Earth? Should we be prepared for danger?" Someone asks, and then everyone is looking at me. I shake my head, humans are weak, they pose no threat. Torint said that the females only pose a threat level 1. It's laughable how puny that is.

     "Humans are low threat, very low threat, but they do have some weapons I have heard. There aren't many of them left. They have no societies. Their world was destroyed by wars and by famines. In most parts there are no dangerous predators."

     We are well equipped to fight any creatures we come across. There are plenty of planets we've visited that have many strong beasts. We beat them every time.

    "Good, very good. I still have one final question for you." A board member says, one who hasn't spoken the whole time.

     I nod, inviting whatever he wants to ask.

     "The female that won't leave your side, has she agreed to become your mate?" I can hear the excitement in his voice. One look at all of them, and I know they are anxious to pair off each female to any worthy male. They want to repopulate Rytaria as quickly as possible, and it only makes sense.

     We only had hope that something as miraculous as this could happen, and now it's here. Of course they would be waiting for more kits to be provided. The females are precious for more than their womb, of course they are, but their ability to provide life is essential.

     I stare down at the ground, contemplating my answer. Torint informed me that kisses on the mouth lead to physically mating. The idea of my body joining with Penelope, and making a kit in the process, is more than tempting. She had never initiated it, and I don't know if it's because she is traumatized or if she is not impressed with me enough to make me her mate.

     Her eyes never wander to others, she never acts as if she's displeased with my company, but I can't help but wonder if she wants someone stronger. Or, if she wants someone without a reputation.

     "No, but I have hope that it will happen."

     All of the members give me questioning looks, their eyes filled with disappointment. That is not the answer that they were expecting. I let out a gruff noise, annoyed that they assumed incorrectly in the first place.

     "Well, if she doesn't show any interest, you should start introducing her to males to show her that she has many options. Many will want to join with her."

     The words make me scowl. I hate the idea of Penelope being with another male. I clench my fists, hardening my jaw. I want to smash something at the image of it. I feel sick, furious, and... sorrow.

     That can never happen. I won't let it. I'll have to wait for her to approach me as her mate. It is always a female's decision, I just have to sit aside patiently for her to decide.

 It is always a female's decision, I just have to sit aside patiently for her to decide

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Sorry that this is late, please forgive me, but yesterday was really hard. I will be very busy the next few weeks, so I will try my best to provide frequent chapters!

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