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     I try to stay quiet, biting my fist to keep the loud sobs from overtaking me. The hot steam feels great in my lungs, but it doesn't stop the river of tears and pain.

     Elik is right outside the bathroom while I shower, and he's very worried. He has every right to be. I know I scared him. I scared myself.

     We were napping in bed, and I woke up from the most horrible dream. I was back in my cage, clutching at the metal bars with dirty hands, and the men were coming to get me. They were going to hurt me like they did so many times before. I called for my brave alien to come help, but no one came. I was alone again. I cried out, and then I was back in bed with Elik.

     When I woke, I was covered in sweat and panting like a dog. Elik was frantic. He didn't know what to do to help me, especially since I fought him, because I didn't remember who he was. I kicked and thrashed when I realized he was on top of me. I didn't know what was real and what was fiction. Reality is a tricky thing for me. After all I've been through, I'm having trouble staying upright.

     Luckily, I have someone to lean against.

     I rigorously scrub my face of any tears, and turn off the hot water. I sniffle, trying to stay quiet. It was hard enough trying to get into the shower alone. Not only am I attached to Elik, but it would seem he is just as enamored with me. He was not very happy that I wanted to get clean after waking up a sweaty mess. It meant being separated when I'm having a nervous brake down.

     Despite my sadness, I smile a little. He's so sweet. Too sweet, actually. I don't know what I'd do without him. It's only been a few days since we met, but I'm already falling hard for the big alien man.

     That should scare me, but it doesn't. I mean, for all I know this planet will have other plans for me. They could take me away from Elik.

     My breath freezes in my lungs at such a terrible thought. It's not too far fetched, that one alien guard tried to steal me from him. I wrap a towel around my body, trying not to let my thoughts get away from me.

     No one will take me away from him. I won't allow it, especially since I wouldn't be able to function.

     There's not one particular thing that makes me so dependent on Elik, it's absolutely everything about him. His calming voice, his sweet spirit, his protective nature. It makes him Elik. It makes him the best guy in my book. Not to mention, he saved my life. There's still a part of me that is baffled by that.

     I quickly dress in the comfortable clothing I've been given. I push my wet hair from my face while I unlock the door. Carefully, reluctantly, I step out into the room, wringing my shirt in my hands.

     Of course, Elik is there to greet me, a fact which makes me smile. He's immediately in front of me with his arms wound tight around my shoulders. He clutches my head to his chest with a strong hand.

     "I was worried, you were in there too long, little one." He admonishes, and I shrug weakly, gladly nestling into his hold.

     "Sorry." I mumble. Elik sighs, shaking his head before leading me to the bed. I sit down on the edge of the mattress. He goes to the com, which I've learned is a phone, and starts pressing buttons. They flash brilliantly in the dim room.

     My curiosity peaks, and I bite my lip, a little nervous to ask what he's doing. I shift uneasily, and he hears, because he hears everything. Nothing gets past him. He catches my gaze. He looks angry, but his eyes soften.

     "I am calling the healer. We need to go back and make sure you are healthy." He insists, and my eyes widen. My heart rate triples when I remember the terror I felt at that appointment. That guy grabbing me, the officers running in. I had a panic attack.

     And I think I'm having one right now.

     "Penelope! Human, stop your tears! Please. I beg of you." Elik's tortured face comes into focus. He's right in front of me. He's real. He's here. When he touches me, it's like all the pain leaks away. "Seeing you cry hurts my heart. I cannot stand it."

     His words are so tender, and I throw my arms around him. His strong arms wind around me as well, pulling me forward until I can't get any closer. I've never felt so safe. I give a little hiccup from my crying, he chuffs in amusement. That's embarrassing.

     "I will be with you the whole time. I will ensure that nothing like that happens ever again. I will kill any male that tries to touch you, but you need to be checked over. I worry for you, my sweet human. Your mind, it is injured, and it must be treated like any injury. You need love and care to ensure that you heal properly." Elik brushes a thumb across my cheek, looking up into my eyes. He sits on his knees in front of me, always knowing what to say. He's so smart. So empathetic.

     I sniffle, feeling silly. I look so stupid. So pathetic. I can't even go to the doctors without freaking out? I'm terrible.

     "Yeah, I know you're right." I whisper, and he looks glad at the admission. "But, not right now. You're the only medicine I want. I'll go soon though. I promise."

     The enormous alien man clenches his jaw before touching my fingers gently. A little grin grows on his face, and I can't help but be proud that I'm the only one who can make him smile.

     "For someone so little, you are very stubborn."

     I giggle at that. He's not wrong. My parents always told me I was too persistent. That was before, before we were separated. At the reminder of that horrible day, I sober. I try not to cry. I hate being such a crybaby.

     "What is the matter?" Elik asks in a soft voice, and I grip his hands for support.

     "I was just thinking of my parents, and how much I miss them." I admit, and Elik's dark eyebrows furrow. I reach up and caress his beard. It's a bit coarse, but I love to touch it. The hair is so thick on his jaw.

     "I miss mine as well, though I do not remember my mother as much." He tells me, and I can tell that he is reluctant to talk about them. His eyes wander, his neck tensing.

     He opens his mouth to say more, but I stop him.

     "You don't need to tell me what happened, not until you're ready to share." I say, and I can see how grateful he is.

     Elik quickly returns to hugging me. I squeeze him with all my might. He knows how much I need him, but I don't think he realizes that I love him more than anything, and how I wish that he needed me just as much.

 He knows how much I need him, but I don't think he realizes that I love him more than anything, and how I wish that he needed me just as much

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Sorry for the short chapter, hopefully they'll get longer as time passes! Next chapter will be up next Wednesday. Have an awesome week! Stay well, stay home, and remember to practice social distancing!

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