Chapter 9

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You've been here for a few weeks now. With every day, you begin to doubt if you made the right choice more and more. You left this room, like three times? As it turns out there is a toilet and a shower in this little hutch, so Ren thought it was comfortable enough. Ugh. You want to walk, or at least smell fresh air. That probably wasn't going to happen anyway, since you're on a spaceship.

You sigh. You stare at the ceiling and throw the ball you made of elastics that came with your meals. It bounces back and you catch it. You repeat this a few times. A few hundred times. Damn it, you're fucking bored.

You get up. Can you get out of here? You know Ren told you not to, but that's just more reason to actually do it. You grab the handle of the door and try to pull it. It's locked.

'Damn it.' You hiss to yourself. You grab the small table next to the bed and throw it on the floor. It breaks in two pieces and you curse.

'Fuck... Ren's gonna kill me!' You grab the two pieces of wood and throw them under the bed. Right at the moment you rise again the door opens. You turn around, expecting Ren.

Instead of Ren, the woman you saw once before, is standing there. What did Ren call her again? Oversea. That's it.

'I'm here to pick you up!' She smiles at you. She has friendly brown eyes. Her freckles remind you of Shana.

'Where are we going?' You try to act like you didn't break the only furniture in the entire room. 

'Ren wants to see you. He was busy himself, so he send me to pick you up.'

'Who are you exactly?' You try to not sound sarcastic, but you kinda fail.

'Oh, excuse me!' She smirks. 'I'm Kyrwah. Kyrwah Oversea. I'm one of Kylo's knights.'


'Oh, I know who you are!' She chuckles. 'I think everyone here does now.'

'What? Why?'

'Things like this don't really happen all the time. Most of the girls come and go, but you've been here for a while.'

'Most girls?' Your voice sharpens. 

Kyrwah realizes she said too much. 'Ren doesn't like to be kept waiting.' The awkwardness drips off her words.

You nod, and rise. Kyrwah walks in front of you and you follow.

These hallways look different than the ones you've seen before. These walls are white. 

'Lieutenant Oversea.' A sharp voice states. You look up. 'And you are (L/N) I assume?'

A fierce looking woman in a taut woman is staring at you. Her piercing blue eyes scan you like she's looking for some kind of sigh of betrayal. Her wavy, long, blond hair hovers on her shoulders in a loose tail. 

You swallow the enormous lump in your throat as you lick your lips. 'Yes, ma'am.' Your voice is husky.

A look of disapproval shines through her purple shaded eyes. In her right iris a purple spot forms onto the ocean blue.

'Report to my division after you've finished, both of you.' Her voice is penetrating and sharp, but soft and intimidating at the same time.

You try to figure her out. She stands straight, proud. Her face is like a closed book.

Her face forms itself into a frown. 'Are you done checking me out?

You take a small step back. 'What? I wasn't-. I didn't mean to-'

She chuckles. 'You were staring at me, full with interest. You were trying to figure me out. I think that defines 'checking out'.'

You take a deep breath before apologizing. 'I'm sorry, ma'am.'

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