Chapter 21

654 21 9

7 days

You open your eyes and look around. You see a white room. You remember what happened yesterday and you look at your stomach. There's a white bandage wrapped around it. You grunt when you feel the itching pain coming out of it. The room you're in is totally empty. A man comes in.

'How are you feeling?' He asks. 

'Like shit.'

'That's normal. Not everyone survives this kind of wounds.'

'Did they catch him? The one who stabbed me?'

'No.. not yet.'

'What the hell did Ren do all this time? Sit on his big ass?'

'Lord Ren sat next to you the entire night, ma'am. He just left to get something to eat.'

So Ren almost crying hadn't been a hallucination...

'And now I'm back..' A dark voice says. 'You may leave now.'

The doctor nods and leaves the room. Ren sits down next to you. 

'Shouldn't you be catching someone?'

'I'm here. Not there. You should be thankful.'

'For what? Sitting here?' 

He shakes his head. 'No.' He lays his hand on your stomach and closes his eyes. A strange force enters your body. 

'What the hell are you doing?' You mumble.

'Be silent.' He commands. 

You feel the wound on your stomach, and the pain. Then you feel it... disappear? No, this isn't possible.. He can't be healing you!

'Yes I can..'

'Can you please stop reading my mind? Its annoying.'


He takes his hand of the wound to take the bandages off it. Your mouth falls open as you see the clean skin under it. He healed the wound? 

'Snoke wants to see you in 10 minutes. Get ready.' He leaves the room. 

'Yes sir..' You mumble after him.


You're standing in the elevator. He may have healed the wound on your stomach, but you still limp. The door opens and you see Ren kneeling down before Snoke, and Snoke sitting on his throne. Kyrwah is kneeling as well, and admiral Oors and captain Max are standing beside Snoke.

'Recovered, I see?' Snoke asks. Before you can answer his question he continues. 'You did well. I expected you to talk, but you kept silent.'

'What do you mean, master?'

'The assassin was here for a few days. I knew he was coming. It was a slight test you passed. Now its time for your final test. One of my loyal followers in this room is a traitor. You have to find out who it is and kill him or her.' 

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐊 [𝟏]Where stories live. Discover now