First time in Hammerlocke

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I'm in Hammerlocke. This city is quite impressive. Just looking at the pillars gets me dizzy and all giddy. It's gigantic. Old ... I love it ! Hop looks at me : 

- It looks fancy in here don't you think, Claudia ?.. Claudia ? 

- It sure does... I like it ! 

He laughed as I was hypnotized by the pillars : 

- The more you look at these, the more you have the risk of falling on your back. I didn't know you feared the heights ! 

I added : "... Well, I simply don't show it that often, I'd say ! " 

We didn't have the time to make a step that we were intercepted by Sonia and her Yamper, making my Boltund jump with overjoy. I laughed and called him back. She started : 

- You've already made it to Hammerlocke ! Woah ! Now, follow me. We'll wait for Leon to show up. 

She sighed :  "He's always late... Probably lost somewhere." she then explained there were tapestries about the Darkest days, but we needed Leon to get to the room where these are stored. "I wanted to enter the vault, but Raihan didn't let me in without any proof that Leon accepted." 

Hop got suddenly surprised : 

-Raihan ? Who's this ?

- Hamerlocke's gym leader...  ? Never saw him on Tv ? He also is the one watching over the Galar vault. 

- That's not fair ? He should let you in right ? You're friend with Lee after all !

- Everyone could say the same thing. Nowadays we need proof and/ or a paper..  And... I'm not a true researcher either... So I get his point. Not everyone can show up and simply access to a room with historical - and quite important- relics. 

Hop stopped arguing, yet seemed surprised I didn't say anything on the subject. Sonia was quite right. But at the same time, that Raihan is quite strict. I wonder what he looks like.. I can't remember him...

Not so long after, Leon finally managed to join us and thus we could go to what I decided to call the " Tapestry room". It does not sound epic or fancy at all however... Maybe I should think of a better name, but for now it'll do the job. We followed Leon to the entrance. There was a tall guy in front of a immense door. A really tall guy. I mean, he's taller than Leon himself. Hop whispered to me : "When I thought the Ball mascot guys were tall... Seems there are even taller guys ..!" 

I slightly laughed " Indeed " 

- Do you think that's the Gym leader ?

- *sighed* It must be. Like, Sonia just said Raihan's been preventing her from entering. He must've been in front of the door... Dont' you think ?

He scratched his head "Yeah makes sense.." 

Seeing Leon, the guy approached and swung his hand in the air : 

- Oh hey  ! You're here for a battle, Lee ?

- Not this time, Raihan. I'm here to

- Oh hey it's the girl from earlier ! Hello there. 

Sonia sighed : 

- Yeah, it's me. See ? Leon's with us.. Are we allowed to enter, now ?

- Of course ! I just wanted you to bring him here so I can battle him  !

She was upset : "... REALLY ? Just for that !? Curse you, Raihan."  

But Leon was busy today and couldn't battle. He seemed a bit distressed not being able to confront Lee, yet was still happy to see him. I wonder what's their relationship. Are they friends ? Are they rivals ? Does Raihan has something against Lee deep inside but hides it ? Are they some kind of secret enemies ? Looks like I was quite wrong as they both did some kind of signature gesture with their hand to greet each other...! Then he shook Hop's hands ans turned to me : "So. You tow are the challengers endorsed by the Champ ? You sure must be quite important, is that right ? " 

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