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March 15th, 1986                                   Charlotte, North Carolina

As I walk down the loud halls full of students at my new school, I took a look around the new atmosphere that I will be in for the rest of my high school years. 

Everyone casually stood at their lockers and chatted with their friends. When I passed by groups of people I heard low whispers I couldn't quite comprehend. They all stared at me as if no one new had gone to to their school in ages which is probably true. I needed to go to the office but I really didn't want to ask anyone where it was. 

I finally found it when I reached the end of the hall. As I entered the office I took a look around how organized everything was. My eyes fell upon the blue eyed lady who had been staring at me the whole time with a smile that looked as if was tattooed on her face.

" Hi"I smiled sweetly at the lady sitting at the front desk. " Im new and this is my first day at this school. When I got registered I was told that I was supposed to get my schedule from this office first thing in the morning."

" What's your name sweetie." She brightly smiles showing the lipstick stains on her pearly white teeth.

" Lisa Scott."

She immediately turns arounds and looks through a stack of papers. In no time she takes a packet from the stack and hands it to me.

" Here you go ma'am" She says smiling a little too hard. " There's your schedule, a little more information about school, and a few things your parents need to sign and turn back in to this office. Its not hard to find your way around this school every room is in order."

" Okay. Thanks a lot." I fake smile.


After 10 minutes of strolling around the school and figuring out where some of my classes are I  find my first class. 

I tried to walk in without anyone noticing but as soon as I stepped in my first period classroom all heads turned my direction.

" Hi. I'm new. " I say clutching on to my backpack.

" Welcome to the class." She smiles. " Lisa right?" 

" Yes ma'am." I fake smile nodding my head.

" You can take a seat anywhere you like." 

I look around the classroom and my eyes immediately land on an empty seat at the back of the classroom.

" Would you mind introducing yourself sweetie?" She says walking towards her desk and writing something down.

I take a deep breath and clear my throat, " My name is Lisa Scott and I just moved here from the Bronx." I  fake smile for the 100th time this morning.

" Wow that's terrific." 

" Yea." I mumble.

She finally took her attention off of me and went back to teaching.

I reach in my book bag and grab the textbook I got for this class a few days ago.

As she gets back to the lesson I reach in my back pack and grab more supplies out of my bag. When I finally have everything I need on my desk I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around slightly aggravated.

"What do you-"

I paused in the middle pf my sentence once I saw Dalvin with a huge grin on his face.

TORN ◦D. Swing◦     UNDER CONSTRUCTION Where stories live. Discover now