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July 16th, 1986                         Charlotte, North Carolina

I sat on my bed reading a book while listening to my favorite Loose Ends album "Zagora". As I was coming to another chapter of my book I adjusted my glasses to look at the clock that sat on my dresser which read 1:45 am.

Damn. Why the hell am I up so late.

I don't know why I wasn't sleepy. There was something keeping me up but I don't know exactly what it was.

As I flipped to the next page of my book I heard a quiet tap on my window.

I ignored it thinking it was probably just a branch tapping my window.

The more I ignored the little taps the more I heard more little taps.

I got up from my bed annoyed and closed my robe as I approached my window to check and see what the little tap noises were coming from.

I furrowed my eyes at my window confused because it wasn't the branch hitting my window. At the corner of my eyes I saw a person facing the opposite direction of me. I studied the person closely trying to figure out who it was.

Once I saw the sight of his crooked fingers that laid upon his sides I giggled to myself.

I slowly opened my window to yell his name," Donald!"

I scared him so bad that he tripped over his own feet and fell.

I quietly laughed as he tried to immediately get up.

"What the is wrong with you?" He laughed fixing his glasses and dusting his pants off.

" Sorry. I was trying to get your attention." I snickered." What are you even doing here so late?"

" Can I come up?" He said not answering my question.

" Yeah but just be careful. Some of the branches are weak."

He climbed the tree stumbling a few times. Lord, he scared me to death.

It took him a minute but he managed to finally get to the branch that was right next to my window. When he came close enough to me, I grabbed both of his arms.

" I'm going to pull you up with all the strength I got on three." I laugh shakily.

" Alright." He nodded.

" 1  2....3"

I pulled him through my window as fast as I could. If I wasn't holding on to the both of his arms I'm pretty sure he would have fell down the tree.

As I pulled him  in my room I tripped over my shoes that were laying in the middle of my floor causing me to fall backwards.

As I fell I was still holding his hands, so when I fell he fell right on top of me.

My eyes widened at the position we were in. Once he noticed the expression on my face he immediately got up.

" I'm so sorry." I say as I put face in my hands in embarrassment.

" You're okay. I'm heavier than I look." He laughs as he pulled my hands from my face.

" You didn't lie about that." I giggle.

I get up from my spot on the floor and make my way over to my bed.

He gets up and plops down on my bean bag that was in the corner of my room.

For a moment we stared at each other awkwardly as we sat in complete silence.

" Why are you here so late? Did something happen?" I speak breaking the silence.

TORN ◦D. Swing◦     UNDER CONSTRUCTION Where stories live. Discover now