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Once I got through the crowd of fans, I was still in tact. I sped walked to the bus and slammed the door. I went to my bunk and layed down on my stomache. I smelled my pillow and sighed. Back to the damn sighing again. I was just so damn sick of Gal. But I had to deal with her. She was our more important manager. She pretty much controlled us. I hated it.

I heard the door to the bus open but didn't bother looking to see who it was. I heard the curtain open. 

"Gal is beyond pissed that you walked out."

"Don't car at the moment Luke." He sighed.

"Ashton. We get that you miss her. We miss he-" I cut him off.

"You don't miss her like I do though, Luke. She is my other fucking half." I was turned towards him now. "She means more to me that anything and when she called earlier she was sobbing. Sobbing, Luke. I thought she fucking hurt herself again. And now I can't get the thought of leaving her for another month. I just can't. She told me she didn't and I trust her, I really do. But my gut is telling me she will eventually if we don't see each other soon. It hurts knowing I can't be there for her physically when she needs it." I was full on ranting now. And Luke looked so sad. I just was holding too much in.

"Ashton. Breathe. I don't know how you feel because I don't have someone like Layla. But you have to trust her. I know you miss her. I know you do. But you can't just flip out on Gal like that and then expect her to let you go home. She won't have it."

"I'm going home. I'm not going to be able to last another month Luke. I think 3 months is enough. We all need a break. And you know it."

"I know Ashton. I know. And I would love to take a weekend off and go home to see the fam. But do you really think Gal is going to let us go? Every other time we asked, she said no."

"I'm sick of her controlling us. She doesn't give us any freedom."

"I know Ashton. But we have to deal with it. Or this band, our dream, will become shit."

"I know. Urgh. What time is that damn interview? I need to sleep off my anger."

"Hair and makeup is at 3 o'clock so you got a few hours to sleep and shower and stuff."

"Thank you Luke. For everything." I gave him a genuine smile.

"Any time Ash. Now take that nap and get rid of that anger." He closed my curtain and I shut my eyes in hopes to get a few extra hours of sleep to get rid of this anger.


"Good afternoon boys! Today we have 5 Seconds Of Summer here with us. They are currently on tour. How is that going for you guys?" The interviewer, Rose, had a very annoying smirk on her face. And it was directed at Luke. I laughed a little before answering.

"It's going great! The fans are awesome, so that makes the shows 10 times better!" She didn't even look at me as I talked. She had it bad for Luke.

"Yeah. It is pretty amazing to think that we have made it this far." Luke added on. And if possible, Rose's smile grew.

"That's good! How are you guys taking being away from home?" My smile dropped a bit. That nap helped with the anger but I was still insanely worried about Layla.

"It gets pretty tough sometimes. But we manage." Calum answered and of course she kept staring at Luke. I looked over at Luke and he just looked down right uncomfortable. He was sitting next to me so I nudged his arm and gave him a wink when he looked at me. His cheeks turned red as he looked away.

"Well ya see, I'm a huge momma's boy so I miss my mom alot." Oh god, Michael.

"Yeah, he calls her every chance he gets really. It's quite sickening how he still calls her mommy." I chuckled at Luke's reply.

"Well atleast he isn't like Ashton. This boy here," Calum was pointing at me now. "Calls Layla every single chance he can get. He is madly in love and it's great. Like this morning, we had a meeting and she called him. Of course he answered even when told no."

"But that's okay. She's my girlfriend, not my mom." I chuckled. Like I can live without talking to my mom for more that one day, but not Layla.

"Your guys' pet names are gross. He only ever uses her real name when it's a serious situation. I don't think the word 'Baby' will ever be the same for me." Luke said while laughing and nudging my ribs.

"How is it being away from Layla?" Rose actually looked at me to ask a question.

"It's hard, really. This is the longest we have been away from each other in our 17 months of being a couple. Like they boys pointed out, I try to talk to her as much as possible. I'm still not used to being away from her. How can you get used to being away from your other half?" This interview was a radio show but  I knew that everyone listening were most likely awing. I was hoping that Layla was listening as well. I had texted her the station and the time we would air.

"I know what you mean. It is hard being away." I nodded as Luke cut in.

"Layla is like this big bubble of joy and when you have her in your life, it makes everything seem so much brighter. And for Ash here, it makes everything a million times brighter for him. I really hope to find someone like Layla for me one day." I gave him a huge smile and had to restrain myself from hugging him.

"Luke is right. Ever since Ash and Lay have been dating we have all been happier. She is such a genuine person and cares so much about everyone." Michael looked at me with a smile.

"We really need more people like her in this world. It would be such a wonderful, bright world really." Calum said. They were making me tear up. Damn it.

"You guys are great. I love you guys so much." I got up and hugged each of them individually.

"The love I am feeling between you guys is tremendous." Rose interrupted our little moment.

"Well it wouldn't be a band if we didn't have love." Luke gave her a cheeky smile and she blushed.

"That's right. Now do you guys have any idea when the next album will be coming out?"

"Hm well we will be starting the recording and stuff a little while after tour ends. We have been writing alot while on tour and I think the fans will love it." Michael answered.

"Ashton wrote a couple songs actually." A smirk from Luke was directed at me.

"Yeah he did, you can figure out who they are about. But yeah the next album won't be out for a few months really."

"That's good. Ashton over here looks a bit love struck." A round of laughs went around. "Well that's all the time we have for today. Thank you guys so much! It was amazing having you guys on the show." She sent a not so subtle wink to Luke. I laughed as we all took our head phones off and set them around the mics.

Matt was waiting in the hallway to take us to the car to go back to the hotel. He was kind of our security guard sometimes when there weren't any around. We walked to the exit and I was texting Lay.

Hey doll. We just got done with the interview. I hope you were listening cause you were mentioned alot xx We should be back to the hotel in about 20 minutes so we can skype soon baby. Miss you lot xxx

I couldn't wait to get to the hotel and to just see her face on my screen.


Double update yay! I was in a really good writing mood so I though why not do another chapter! # chapters in Ashton's pov now. And not much Ashton-Layla interaction either but I promise there will be some next chapter ;) Hope you enjoyed!
Love, Breanna :)))))))

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