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I got off skype with Ashton a little after midnight. But I didn't sleep as well as I wanted to. He was keeping something from me, I knew it. He got a text while we were skyping and he just looked upset.

"Hey, who is that? You okay?" "Yeah babe. It's no one."  He just locked his phone and threw it over to the side. "You sure?" I worked my eyebrow. And he sighed ."Yes baby. Now about that drawing.." He never keeps anything from me.

He just pushed it aside like it was nothing. But he was Ashton Irwin. It could be anyone. And me being me, had to think the worst.

He is probably cheating on you with some gorgeous model he met somewhere. She probably looks so much prettier and skinnier than you. They could be having wonderful sex right now while you just sit here. 

I was sitting on my bed and Jack was making breakfast with Elizabeth. She spent the night and I have a feeling that is going to be a normal thing now. I got up and changed out of my pajamas that consisted of his shirt and panties. I threw on a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra on underneath his shirt. I walked out into the kitchen and walked into a make out session.

"Try not to have sex on the counter. The food is there." Elizabeth gasped and jumped back while Jack just stood there with red cheeks and a sheepish smile.

"Sorry sis. We made pancakes."

"I made pancakes while he tried making out with me." Elizabeth butted in. Her attitude wasn't as bad as the first time I met her. She looked at Jack as if he wax her world, the way I look at Ashton.

You mean your boyfriend that is keeping things from you?

"I think I'm going to go to the gym so I'm just going to make a protein shake and eat when I get back." I walked over to the cupboard with the protein powder and my shakers.

"Are you sure?" Jack could sense that something was wrong.

"Yeah. Have a lot on my mind." He grabbed my shoulder and turned to towards him.

"This isn't another one of your 'I'm going to only drink protein shakes and exercise until I pass out because Ashton was seen with a model' phases again, is it?" Damn it.

"No. Why does everything have to be about him? I just don't have eenergy lately."

"I don't believe you but whatever. Don't get yourself hurt or let it come between you and him."

"Yeah Yeah. Shut up. Go eat your pancakes."

"I'm serious Layla." He gave me a scold and I just rolled my eyes. I finished making my shake and went to my room to grab my running sneakers. The treadmill is going to be my best friend this morning. ~~~~ I was all gross and sweaty when I got home but I felt good. Really good. There wasn't anyone home when I got there so I blasted my music and hopped in the shower.

Good girls was playing when I got done. I wrapped a towel around my torso and made my way to my room. I was singing at the top of my lungs and dancing around my room.

I heard the front door open so I turned the music down.

"Hey Jack! Where did you guys go?" There wasn't a response. "Jack?" I walked out of my room, still in a towel, and made my way towards the living room.

No one was there. I went towards the kitchen and no one was there. I went towards Jack's room and no one was there. "What the hell? Who is here?" I was freaking out now. What if it was a burglar coming for my pillow this time.

I jumped as two hands covered my eyes. My heart was racing and I was holding my breath. Holy shit. I am going to die. This is it.

I started shaking and finally breathed.

Holding On (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now