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Sometimes I really wish I wasn't allergic to cats. The sadness in Layla's voice when she told me she had to take Mittens to the shelter was heart breaking, seriously. I was about to tell her to go get the damn cat back just so I didn't have to hear her be sad.

I had to let her go around two this morning so that I could get a few hours of sleep for our meetings today. I hated meetings. They were pointless but hey, we get free food so I manage through them. Michael was still sleeping and we had 10 minutes before the first meeting of the day started. We had been driving all night and we didn't make it to Denver in time to check into the hotel. So the tour bus had to take us right to the meeting which wasn't quite smart because fans will soon find out we are here and swarm the building the meeting is being held in.

"Michael Gordon Clifford! If you do not get up I will make sure management doesn't let you dye your hair ever again!" I threatened him knowing how much he was obsessed with dying his hair. But he didn't budge. I walked over to his bunk and climbed in. I sat on his stomach as best I could with the limited space there was.

"Get off." Michael groaned underneath me. I just laughed as he tried pushing me off his stomache. "Come on Ashton. Get off. I can't breathe."

"Our meeting starts in 7 minutes and you know how Matt feels about you being late to meetings. It's always you that is late."

"I can't get up when you're sitting on me. Move." He gave me one last shove and I fell out of his bunk.

"Ouch..Thanks Michael." His bunk is one of the top ones so that fall hurt.

"That's what you get. Now move so I can get down." 

I got up and went to find Cal. I found him in the tiny kitchen eating a sandwich.

"You realise there will be food at the meeting, just like every other one."

"Yesh Ashon. Irm aware. I am a groming boh. Anf I lob foo." Of course he was talking with food in his mouth.

"Okay Calum. Don't talk with your mouth full. You are spitting food everywhere." I wiped a spot on my cheek just for dramatic effect. 

I chuckled as his eyes bulged. He swallowed what he had in his mouth. "Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry."

"It's ok-" I was cut off my the bus door slamming open.

"You guys are late. Get moving now. Where are Luke and Michael?" Matt, our manager, was standing in the door. I pointed towards the bunks and shrugged. He was only acting mad but he didn't give a shit if we were late. That's what  I liked about him. He walked past Calum and I.

"You boys better get your asses moving or I am going to get Gal in here."

"Oh please no! Don't do that, I'm coming." Luke walked out of the bathroom with his pants around his ankles. I didn't blame him. Gal is scary. Calum and I were in hysterics by the time Michael came out from the back room.

"What the hell Luke? Pull your pants up. Sagging your pants was so 4 years ago. Come on man." Michael patted him on the shoulder as he walked by. "Oh hey Matt. Good morning." Calum, Luke and I were now in hysterics.

Matt just gave all of us a blank stare. "Out. In the building. Meeting has was supposed to start 10 minutes ago. And Gal is already bitching."

"Okay. Okay." We all mumbled.

We all walked in a line to the entrance to the building. Thank god there weren't any fans around yet. It was too early for that. I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing. Matt gave me a look. I pulled it out of my pocket with the intentions of silencing it but it was Layla. I checked the time realising it was four in the morning there. I looked at Matt and he sighed, knowing who it was. I answered it and went to find a quiet spot.

Holding On (Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now