The First Taste

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You walked out of Rousseau's, leaving from your long night. It was dark outside as you walked the streets of New Orleans, where you heard music playing in places where jazz never stopped playing.

You smiled as you walked, headed back to the compound. When you heard a sound, a whooshing that passed you.

You looked toward where you heard the sound. You knew what it was, having heard it more times than one. After all, your boyfriend was a hybrid.

You tried to remember the last time you had your intake of vervain, Klaus had you take some to protect you from other vampires around the city.

When you remembered forgetting to take some yesterday and the day before, you knew you were in trouble. You remained calm and continued to walk a little faster, though you knew it would do nothing.

A dark figure stopped in front of you, looking you in the eye. With the little bit of light provided, you could see the dark veins spread down his face and your breath quickened.

"Hey, little one." The voice said. You held your hands out and told him, "Leave me alone. You'll end up dead, if you don't."

The vampire chuckled darkly and said, "You can't hurt me." When he pushed you against the wall, you panicked. You kicked your legs out, trying to get you away and he ignored you, sinking his teeth into your neck and draining the blood from your system.

You continued kicking your legs, uselessly. As your body began going limp, you knew it was the end for you.

But, all too soon, the vampire draining you was ripped away. You fell to the ground, your eyes blurring and you looked up, your vision focusing in and out.

You heard the unmistakable sound of bone cracking and another figure standing over the vampire who attacked you.

He looked at you and bent down. "Sorry, I'm late, love." Klaus voice said. You smiled weakly and saw his jaw clench.

He bit into his wrist, pressing his it against your lips. You didn't want to drink it, but as the blood poured into your mouth, you couldn't help but swallow it.

As soon as the taste hit your tongue, you couldn't help but bring your hands up, pressing his wrist to your mouth. You expected to flinch away from the taste, the nickel flavor in the blood a taste you didn't like to experience. Though, when you savored the blood, you wanted more.

This confused you because you normally hated the flavor of vampire blood, though Klaus was a hybrid, you thought that wouldn't change anything. Oh, how you were wrong.

You began drinking Klaus's blood, taking it in gulps until he pulled away. You sucked in a breath and Klaus got you to stand up. You licked your lips, getting as much of the blood as possible. The action didn't go unnoticed by Klaus, though he ignored the fact.

You'd never really had to drink his blood, being careful enough the barely need to be healed like that. Whenever you did get hurt, though, you'd let it heal.

Besides, it was always Elijah who did it, giving you his blood to heal the little things that would happen to you. You never really liked the taste though, which puzzled him because vampire blood had certain addictive qualities.

Klaus picked you up, running back to the compound. When he laid you down on his bed, he sat next to you, "Why didn't you take the vervain?"

You shook your head, "I forgot. My fault." He pushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear as he pulled you to his chest, "You're lucky I got there in time."

You shook your head again, smiling, "I'm lucky I have you." Klaus couldn't help but smile as he stroked your hair calmly, "Rest. You have need of it."

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