Strange Magic

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Niklaus stopped by your short lunch time that same day, giving you a sack lunch. You thanked him as you told him about Caroline's surprise visit.

Like you assumed Niklaus would do, he grew suspicion about the fact that they just happened to show up out of the blue, also including the fact that he wasn't necessarily fond of Tyler.

You brushed it off and quickly at your lunch so you could get back to your shift. Niklaus had long left before you finally got to the drink part of your meal.

You opened the blue water bottle, putting the drink up to your lips before realizing that it wasn't water he'd given you.

When the liquid touched your tastebuds, you realized that Niklaus had given you some of his blood with your lunch.

You were surprised at first, but your cravings set it aside as you began downing the bottle.

You didn't know what it was about Niklaus' blood that made it so irresistible, but you craved it. You needed it.

You had finished the bottle faster than you thought. You sat, reveling in the taste left on your tongue before you quickly rinsed the bottle out.

You sighed and got back to work.


Elijah searched the house, looking for his mother's grimoire to see if she possessed a spell or anything that might explain your addiction to his brother's blood.

Elijah sensed Davina's presence in the compound and he stopped his search, rushing down to meet her in the large area.

"Davina, thank you for agreeing to meet with me." He started.

Davina crossed her arms, "I only came because you said it concerns a friend of mine. Which friend?"

Elijah assessed Davina for a moment before he began speaking, not bothering to drag anything out. "Y/N."

Davina's arms fell. "What did Klaus do?" She demanded, knowing that Niklaus must have done something that put you in harm.

Elijah dismissed her, "I assure you, Niklaus has not laid a finger on her. I am merely concerned for her."

Davina pushed, "What is it, Elijah?"

Elijah sighed smally before telling her, "Y/N was attacked by a vampire last night."

"Oh, my god. Is she okay?" Davina asked quickly.

Elijah nodded dismissively, "Niklaus got to her before anything got out of hand. My concern is placed on what happened after."

Davina folded her arms again, asking, "What happened?"

He explained, "Niklaus fed her his blood to heal her."

"So?" She asked, shrugging and shifting her weight to the other side.

Elijah continued, "This had been the first time Y/N had tasted hybrid blood. She didn't respond ideally."

Davina shrugged, "I mean, she doesn't like vampire blood. She despises it, actually. Why would she take hybrid?"

He nodded, "Exactly. But now she seems addicted to it. I would like to know why. I would like to know if you could figure out a reason, if there's a spell related it."

Addicted | Niklaus Mikaelson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now