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You'd been woken up suddenly by yelling from downstairs. You got up and walked over to the door, peeking through to see what was going on.

"Well that just bloody solves everything, doesn't it? Now we don't have to worry about Y/N losing her mind or dying! Since you're so sorry, this whole thing is over and I won't lose the one person who's never treated me as any less than a person worth loving!" Klaus shouted.

You quietly closed the door as Klaus sped by to get to his room. You bit your lip. If they knew, you couldn't stay here, it wasn't safe for you.

The sound of furniture smashing made you jump slightly. You waited for an opportunity to slip out and found it when Elijah and Rebekah were now in the room with Klaus.

You walked quietly out of the room and got away quickly.

When you were finally in the safety of your car, you reached for the bottle in the passenger's seat and gasped, not seeing it.

The hunger from earlier creeped back into your system as your breathing picked up. You started the car and sped out of there quickly, squeezing your hands on the steering wheel as you got away.

You looked back, seeing the three siblings standing in the spot you were just parked as they watched you get away.

You looked back forward and thought of what to do. You looked around for refuge until you knew what to do when you saw a familiar face.

Your mouth watered a little as you could practically taste the blood. So you ditched the car and got out on the sidewalk, following the hybrid down the street.

You stood a shortcut ahead and were now stood in an alleyway with Tyler walking your way. You stayed quiet as you waited patiently for him.

When you saw him passing in front of you, you quickly grabbed him and pulled him into the aey, your hand wrapping around his mouth as your other hand searched behind you for something sharp.

You grabbed a hold of a broken glass bottle and stabbed him through his back. He grunted into your hand and went to bite it.

You let go as looked at it, laughing before wiping the blood on his shirt. You shoved the bottle in more and waited for him to stop moving as he fell unconscious.

When he stopped and fell limp in your arms, you let him fall to the ground. You sat him against one of the walls of the alley and brought your car around carefully, stuffing him in the back and tying him in the back.

You then drove away, careful not to attract any attention. When you got away, you drove away from the French Quarter, finding your way to an abandoned spot of the city.

On your way there, you stopped the car suddenly as the pain from earlier ripped through you.

You screamed loudly, clutching your head. You hit your head against the steering wheel, earning a loud honk! everytime.

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" You screamed. You could definitely feel that.

It seemed to hit you like a train as everything you should have felt earlier crashed down on you. Your fear, anger, sadness, guilt, regret. All of it hit you hard as the pain ripped through your body.

After a few moments of this, it all seemed to be stripped away once again. You felt nothing, just like before. Every emotion that had just raided your body was now gone.

And with that, the second thoughts you had earlier left as well. You knew what you were doing was wrong, you knew you shouldn't have gone through with it, but now nothing seemed to be holding you back.

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