Keeping It Under Control

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After finally grabbing some sleep, you woke up the next morning to the sun in your eyes. You squinted them as they hurt to have the sun shining in through the windows so bright. You groaned and turned around, finding Klaus right there next to you.

You smiled and cuddled into him, closing your eyes again as you enjoy his presence. You inhaled deeply, letting his familiar scent engulf you. "Good morning, love." Klaus told you, a smile on his face as he kissed your forehead.

You kissed the back of his hand that was now wrapped over your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. You sleepily groaned in reply to his good morning.

A few lazy minutes later and you finally decided to get up, taking a shower to wake you up more. When you step into the hot water, you let the water wash away yesterday.

That is, until you remember the taste of blood on your tongue. The warm substance smooth like a thick cocoa. You had hoped sleeping on it would have gotten rid of your desire for the blood, but it didn't.

Licking your lips, you wash yourself off and get out. When you wrap your towel around your wet body, you step out of the bathroom. Niklaus was still laying in bed propped up on his arm as he watched you with a small smile resting on his lips.

You looked over at him, a little smile of your own breaking through as you grabbed some clothes to put on. You sat at the end of the bed, lotioning your skin before getting dressed.

"Why are you in such a good mood, might I ask?" You questioned, raising a brow to him as you began getting dressed.

Niklaus shrugged a shoulder and told you, "I have something figured out. Is that worth a good mood?" You chuckled and looked over at him again, fully dressed now and crawling back on the bed as you kissed him.

"I believe it is." You got off the bed, lightly smacking his chest as you said, "I'm getting breakfast." Klaus hummed in response and watched you leave the room.

As you headed to the kitchen, Elijah headed to Klaus' room. "What have you figured out, Niklaus?"

He stood, pulling a shirt on as he answered, "If this is a addiction, and it's only my blood she craves, I can keep this all under control."

Elijah straightened from his leaning position on his door frame as he said, "I do not think it wise to even let this continue. If she is addicted, the more you give her, no matter how 'controlled' you think it is, the more she will need."

Niklaus patted his brother on his back and simply responded, brushing off Elijah's reasonings, "I've got it, brother. We do not want Y/N to suffer, do we?"

Elijah clenched his jaw in frustration, "By doing this, you will make her suffer." Klaus dismissed the statement with a wave of his hand as he simply told him, "Nonsense."

Klaus walked away from Elijah and to the kitchen where you were currently making toaster waffles.

You placed a few on a plate, sliding it down the table to Niklaus as he entered the kitchen with you. He smiled at the plate and thanked you, taking a few bites before walking over to you.

Making your own plate, you grabbed a coffee mug, setting it down on the counter as you waited for the coffee to brew.

Klaus walked to you, pulling his arms around your waist. You smiled, placing your hands over his clasped ones over your stomach.

He rocked from side to side as he asked, "How are you feeling, love?"

You mean aside from the constant need to drink your blood? Peachy. You thought and told him, "I'm fine. Just...thirsty." You motioned toward the brewing coffee pot at the last moment.

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