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They moved back again, carefully of what they did. It wasn't Tyler they were worried about, at least everyone but Caroline, it was you. If you snapped his neck, you'd be dead.

"Y/N, come with us. We can help you." Klaus tried. You shook your head, "No, thanks. I'm fine how I am."

"No, you are not. You will die if this continues. Come with us." He held out his hand, the tears in his eyes starting to show. "Come with me."

You shook your head and said, "Again, I'm fine, boy toy." You went to bite Tyler's neck again when the pain from earlier returned, but so much worse than before.

You screamed, falling to the ground as the crippling pain swarmed through your body. Davina was up again, her hand outstretched as she chanted louder than before.

You squirmed under the spell, screaming until your voice was soar. In no time, the pain was too much to bear as you cried.

Davina yelled through the spell, "It's not working! I can only do it if she's in the transition of a kill! During a transition, the effects reverse and everything returns to her! If I'm quick enough, I can use the spell and reverse the effects permanently!"

"We can't risk it!" Elijah shouted over the wind and screaming that had picked up when Davina began chanting. "If this doesn't work, she dies!"

"I have an idea but I don't know if it will work!" Klaus yelled.

"We need a solution!" Caroline added, "What is yours?"

"I have to kill her! While she's in the middle of transition, I feed her my blood and snap her neck. That way, she doesn't die by the curse! She comes back as a vampire and she lives!" Klaus said.

Davina continued, "There's a chance, but can we risk it?"

"We have no other way." Elijah said, "The spell isn't working and we can't let her kill anyone else. We have to try it!"

They all exchanged looks as you continued your tortured screams. "Make it stop! Make it stop please! Please, stop it! I'll do anything, just stop it!" You cried, tears running down your face as the excruciating pain continued to spread.

Klaus nodded to Davina and made his way over to you through the heavy winds. He kneeled down next to you, his hand under your chin as he spoke through tears." Hey, listen to me, love. Hey."

You looked up at him through your own tears. He bit into his arm and said, "This will make all the pain go away. Okay? Here."

He brought the arm to your mouth and you grabbed it eagerly, your eyes rolling to the back of your head and your breath coming out as pants as you finally had Klaus' blood in your system again.

Klaus let out a shaky breath as he said, "Good." He said, "Just one more thing, alright? All of this will go away if you can do one more thing for me."

"Please, make it stop!" You cried.

He nodded and pointed to Tyler, "You have to kill him. Quick and easy. All of it will go away, I swear."

You were up in no time, fighting through the pain. You got to Tyler and wrapped your arms around his neck. Caroline looked away and you took a breath in before mustering all your strength, snapping his neck.

Just as you did, it all stopped for a moment.

Just a moment.

Then it all came back to you.

You screamed again, your voice failing as it didn't come out. The pain was so much worse than you could ever imagine. You cried, "You lied to me! You liar! You said it would stop! I hate you! I hate you so much!"

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