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Klaus finally cleared his head enough to come and check up on you. You were curled up in your bed, resting in your barely-occupied room, as you always slept in his.

He smiled softly and sat down next to you. The bed shifted and your eyes fluttered open slowly. You looked up and saw Klaus smiling down at you.

"Hello, love." He told you softly.

You hummed and turned around, no longer facing his way. Klaus furrowed his brow and asked, "Are you alright?"

You nodded, "I'm fine." You shifted under the covers more and tried to get back to your nap. Klaus moved a little closer and asked, "What's wrong, darling? Did I hurt you some way?"

You shook your head, "No, but I'm trying to take a nap so if you don't mind. It'd be great if you could run along."

Klaus was surprised by the way you were acting. If you were resting and he got in with you, but you'd curl around him, whether he was sitting or laying down, you'd find a way. If you were mad at him, you'd turn away, but if he asked you what was wrong, you told him because you didn't like keeping secrets or feelings from him.

You didn't ignore him like that.

He knew something was up. There was no way there wasn't. He only hoped it was Tyre latex to the curse, but there wasn't much else to go off of.

He sighed and stood up, "As you wish..." He walked out of the door and into the living room, calling to his brother.

After a moment of reluctance, Elijah stepped into the room and Klaus spoke, "You were right. Something is wrong with her. She practically ignored me."

Elijah shrugged a little. Klaus rolled his eyes, "Please, brother. Let's leave this for later, right now, we have someone to worry about."

Elijah thought over it and determined that Niklaus was right and he could save this for later.

"What would you suggest we do? Davina has not finished the counter spell, one that might not even work. She's already showing signs of the first kill." Elijah answered.

Klaus pulled out his phone and began dialing Davina. When she picked up, he instantly spoke, "Do you have anything? Anything at all?"

"I may have something. I'm almost done, but there's no guarantee that it will work. If it doesn't, maybe you need to think about one of your options...maybe you need to turn her." Davina answered.

"There's no guarantee that would work wither. This bloody spell could make her a ripper! It would crush her." Klaus argued.

"Not if she didn't feel. We can't even get there." Davina responded.

"I fear we may already be there. She's showing symptoms of her first kill." Elijah spoke up.

"Damn it..." Davina muttered, "If this spell doesn't work...turning her is our best option. Unless your willing to kill yourself."

"No, I won't do that to her." Klaus was firm at first, but the last words were soft.

Davina spoke, "Okay." The tone of her words made it sound like she meant to say 'good'. You were her friend and she's heard you gush about how much you loved Klaus. He knew you would die if you lost him. It was good to know that Klaus knew this as well.

"Give me a few hours. I should have the spell done by then. We need to get this over with quick. The longer she goes, the worse it all will be for her." Davina spoke. She hung up the phone then.

Klaus sighed and spoke, "What if..."

Elijah furrowed his brow as he prompted, "What if...?"

Klaus sighed again and finally fully faced his brother, "What if she hates me for turning her? Not everyone wants to be turned and she might fall under that. If she doesn't want to be a vampire and she's forced into it...that's an eternity of pain. I can deal with her hating me, I'd rather her alive than dead. But...what if she..."

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