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The next couple of days passed and you were in desperate need of more blood. You tried to spare yourself longer than it did, but that bottle was empty by the end of the day.

You were so hungry for it. Food didn't matter, water and alcohol and juice, nothing matter. Nothing except the blood would quench your thirst.

But Tyler would think you were crazy, Klaus would suspect, he would know, all the people who knew you would know something was up.

You knew you were addicted. A fool would know. But you can't seem to stop, but you guessed that was the point.

It made you feel so good, it tasted so good. You needed it, but how were you going to get it without asking Klaus or Tyler.

You guessed that didn't matter.

You made a deal with Tyler. Protection for blood, and blood was all you could think of. You'd give him all the protection in the world for just a drop.

So this is how you found yourself stepping on the gas pedal to a meet spot with Tyler out in the woods.

You arrived there in no time, and you know you looked suspicious to him bolting up here like this.

But it didn't matter. You just needed a little blood is all. That's all.

You walked over to him, stuffing your hands in the pocket of your jacket, which was getting too hot at the moment.

You took the jacket off, placing it around your waist. Tyler turned around to see you and he said, "Oh my god. What's wrong with your arm?"

You looked back at it, suddenly seeing the giant red patch covering the skin. Apparently, you hadn't realized you were scratching your arm the entire time here, doing anything to distract yourself from the hunger.

You covered it up, "Oh, wow. I guessed I scratched too hard over here. I knew it felt funny, heh. So, did you bring it?"

"Not to be rude or anything, but that sounded like you were asking for drugs." Tyler commented.

You shrugged and faked a chuckle, "Well, when you think about it. It is a secret deal and it is a help to someone, high or not. So do you have it?"

Tyler eyed you for a moment and said, "You know, I was talking to some of the wolves here the other day when I was hanging out with Hayley for a little while, catching up. They said there hadn't been a bite here for months. The wolves and the vampires were relatively getting along, as far as that went."

You shrugged, "But it's bound to happen, you know? Natural enemies and all that."

"Wait, why do you need more?" Tyler asked. He was asking too many questions.

"Oh, uh, a friend got hurt yesterday really bad. Vampire attack. Needed blood." You lied.

Tyler spoke, "Not that much, surely."

Your calm was slipping away and you took a step forward, "Tyler, do you have it. Tell me you have it!"

He took a step back and said, "I didn't bring any. Tell me why you really need it. Or deal's off."

You were desperate, your patience was wearing away and you were becoming more frantic. You took a breath in, and tried to clam yourself again. You tried to use Elijah's technique, one he'd taught you once when you asked how he's always so calm and collected.

It shouldn't be that hard right.

You straightened your spine and kept your voice level, "You wouldn't give up your protection, would you? Especially not against the big beast."

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