Chapter 1: First Bump

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A/N: Hi all! This is my first published fanfiction and I don't know how well it's going to be! But if you could share and read and comment your suggestions cause I would love to hear what you think and all of your feedback! So please enjoy and happy reading! xx

"Oh shit..."

I am frozen to the spot in my bathroom as I look down at the stick in my hand.

"Okay, Katniss breathe, breathe, breathe," I finally bring my head up and look in the mirror. My face is soaked with tears, I didn't even realise I was crying. This wasn't supposed to happen, how did this happen! Well of course I know how it happened but just how. Tears are springing to my eyes again as I think of what to do, but my frustration is blocking my mind and I can't see clearly. I sit on the toilet lid and unroll the toilet paper to wipe my eyes and take 3 deep breathes when finally I know who to contact. I scroll through my phone until I find his name and press the call button. It rings about 3 times before he answers,


"Peeta?" I try to say without my voice breaking too much,

"Katniss? What's wrong?!"

"Can you please come over, I need to talk to you"

"I'll be over in 5... beep beep beep" I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Peeta will soon be at my side but then realise I will need to leave the bathroom as we can't really talk in here. I gather up all my emotions and keep the test tight to my chest, I don't want anyone to find it so I plan on throwing it in the wheelie bins outside. I walk out into the living room with a smile; Mum and Prim are sitting on the tattered grey couch that sits in the middle of the room. The walls are still painted a dull white but combined with Mum's artistic wall designs; they give you a little pop of happiness when you walk into the room. I try to sneak past them but the floorboards creak underneath my feet and Prim turns around.

"Katniss, come watch Big Bang with us, it's the one where Sheldon goes rock climbing!" Prim giggles in her sweet little tone, she's due to start Year 10 soon, she's old enough to understand how it happened but not old enough for it to actually happen to someone she loves. I can't face them right now and Peeta is coming over soon anyway so I tell her, "aw, I can't at the moment, maybe another tim-" I am interrupted by Peeta knocking on the door. I swiftly open it and let him in.

"Hi, Mrs Everdeen, Prim, how are you both today?"

"Peeta! Wanna come watch Big Bang with us?!" Prim asks, Peeta's like a big brother to Prim and they both love The Big Bang Theory.

"Oh, I'm sorry Prim but I have to help Katniss with some holiday study for next year, next time?"

"Whatever..." Prim grumbles but I pull Peeta from the room before I can hear the rest of it. I swing my door open and Peeta sits on my bed. I shut the door and sit close enough that only he can hear me.

"Katniss, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

This is it; I'm going to tell him. I squeeze my eyes shut but that doesn't stop the tears from gushing out.

"Peeta, I'm pregnant."

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