Chapter 14

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Do you ever have that feeling when everything in the world seems hopeless and your stomach is a bottomless pit that will slowly be filled with chocolate? Well, after devouring my fifth chocolate bar in two hours, that feeling slowly began returning.  After I have this baby I'm gonna have to work my ass off to get rid of all the extra fat I'm putting on because of this chocolate. Ever since Peeta left, I've been trying to drown his words out by eating enough chocolate to fill a small bath tub. But, unfortunately for me, we've run out of our chocolate supply and I do not look decent enough to leave this house... let alone this room. My sad music turned off around the third chocolate bar and now I just sit in silence. That is until hear a slight knock on my bedroom door.

"Katniss, sweetheart can I come in?" My mother's mellow voice floats through the tiny crack in my door.

"Sure" My voice is far from mellow between the crying marathon and the inhaling of chocolate. My door is creaking open and my mother sits beside me on my bed. She tucks a stray hair behind my ear and I feel like a little girl again so I lay my head down in her lap like I did when I was little and upset.

"What's wrong hon? All I've heard is estranged sobs and sad music." She's stroking my hair and tears threaten escape from my eyes once again. Damn hormones.

"Yeah, sorry," I chuckle, "It's just something with Peeta." I reply back.

"Are you sure it doesn't also have anything to do with the pregnancy?"

"I guess it's a bit of both."

"Peeta's in love with you isn't he?" My head snaps up and I'm surprised at how normal she sounded.

"H-how did you know?!" I ask.

"It's a little bit obvious Katniss, I mean the way he stayed by your side for all those years especially when your father left us and I mean, he didn't sleep at all last night Katniss because you kept tossing and turning all night. He wouldn't do that if he didn't care for you." She took my hand and puts it on her lap.

"I know you don't want to admit it but I think you love him too. Answer me this, who did you tell first about the pregnancy?" She glares at me.

"Peeta..." I grumble back to her.

"Exactly." She pecks me on the check and stands up to leave.

"I hate when you're right" I flop back onto my pillows.

She flashes her sweet smile, which Prim inherited from her, "I love you."

"Love you too." The bedroom door silently shuts and I'm left to my thoughts...again.


The backdrop is a pale yellow sunset, the wind is high and whistles loud in your ears. My hair is touching my shoulders and I as I go to adjust it, I see that it's been left in my natural curls. Weird classical music is playing lightly behind me, I turn around to try and find the source but instead see a large, muscly Peeta standing there in a white, pirate's shirt with the buttons undone. Add in the wind and Peeta's hair (which has grown), everything is flowing back in the wind. Why does this seem familiar?! We walk to towards each other, looking deep into each other's eyes.

"Katniss..." Peeta stares at me longingly, he then grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer. I can feel his...package? Growing harder against me.

"Peetaa..." Our faces grow closer, our lips puckered just about to meet when...

Bang, bang, bang, "Katniss! Are you awake?!" I sit up and feel the line of dribble that my nap has left on my chin. I stand up and steady myself before opening the door.

"Yes, I'm awake! What is it?" I ask, leaning against the doorway.

"Sorry hon, I was just coming to tell you that dinner is ready if you want some dinner." Mum tells me.

"Oh okay, yeah sorry. I'll just get myself cleaned up and I'll be right out." I push past Mum and escape into the bathroom- it feels like my bladder's about to explode and I may have to change my underwear too. After I've finished on the toilet, I walk over to the mirror and wash my hands. What was that? Was that a creepy romantic dream? Or more like a nightmare? And why was it in the cheesy form of a badly written romance novel? Is this a sign? Alright, let's settle down and eat dinner first. Then we can make the next life changing decision while getting ready for bed.

I woke up at 7 am the next morning feeling incredibly sick and before I knew it, I ran to the toilet and threw up the Pasta Bolognese we had for dinner last night. After several more minutes with my head in the toilet bowl, I decided to clean myself up and try not to make it smell like vomit. I chucked my vomit clothes in the laundry and raced back to my room to put on new ones. As I'm standing in my bra and undies, I've noticed that my tummy's started to grow into a small bump. Not big enough to start showing fully but still a little bump forming. I get dressed and walk into the living room where Prim is packing her school bag. Crap! School, I missed the last week before another two weeks of holidays.

"Katniss, are you going to school this week?" Mum asks as she comes through the kitchen door. "You're already dressed, that's a good start." Before I can answer, three knocks are heard from our front door. "Come in!" Mum yells.

Peeta walks through the front door with a backpack slung over his shoulder, he says hello to Mum and hugs Prim who hurriedly tells him that she's excited for school today.

"I called Peeta to give you a ride to school this morning." She smiles at me.

I look over at her, "I thought you just asked me if I was going, what if I decided not to?" I asked.

"Well, if you didn't you'd still be able to talk to Peeta!" She winked at me and waltzed back into the kitchen. I turned to Peeta and told him I just needed to grab my bag and I'll meet him in the car in five minutes.

The ride to school was silent but not that uncomfortable.

"Peeta-" I start,

"No, I don't want to talk about anything right now. Everybody knows about your situation because of Gale so you just need to focus on today and then we can talk about this afternoon or tomorrow but not right now, okay?" He looks over at me and takes my hand.

"Okay, thankyou Peet." I smile at him as he pulls into the school carpark. I'm surprised he hasn't let go of my hand yet even considering the amount of sweat that's on my hand.

"Here we go," I say.

A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter was a little boring, it's more of a filler chapter but I felt like the story needed it. I was a bit sick of writing constant drama so to have something light and clean was a nice change. Also, if you have any feedback I would love love love to hear it- I am always wanting to improve and make it enjoyable. I won't get hurt, I promise, but I would love to hear from you guys what you think so don't be shy.


Lacey xx

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