Chapter 2: The Result

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A/N I didn't know when to put this second part up so, here it is anyway! I have not as yet written a third part but I am on it. Please share and give feedback!

Also, a shout out to the artist/creator of the cover that I am currently using. It's absolutely stunning! <3

Until I spoke, the only sounds we could hear were the sobs escaping from my throat.

"Peeta, say something...please," I plead to hear his soothing tone telling me it's alright,

"You're 16 Katniss, how did this happen?!" I can't tell what he's feeling and it makes me nervous.

"I can explain but for now just tell me what I do! I'm going into my senior year in 1 month and a half! I can't afford a child! I don't have a job, money is tight and oh god the father... what am I going to do Peeta, please help me" I lie my head in his lap and at last I feel his hand stroking my back.

"Okay Kat, I just need you to breathe and stop crying for now," he says as he sweeps my soft, brown hair from my face, "You used a home pregnancy test correct?"

"Correct," I grab and tissue and blow my nose before chucking it into the bin,

"Alrighty then, so there may be a chance you're not pregnant then. We just need to go to the Doctor's and go on from there but Kat; I need to know who the father is! You can't leave me hanging like that"

I'm not ready to tell him, I'm too scared to tell him. They've hated each other for years. The father has been Peeta's worse enemy ever since he cheated on me. Peeta would be so disappointed.

"Peeta, I told you I don't have the money! I can't afford an appointment! And what if they called Mum and she found out? No-one can know until it's confirmed!" I try to avoid telling him what happened but I don't know how long it will last.

"Sometimes, I think you are so stupid Kat..." he smirks with that stupid mouth of his before he dials a number on his phone. He paces Katniss's room with ease, like he's been here a million times before, which he has. She remembers jumping on her bed, the one with the silk, purple sheets before she fell off and cut her head. The rug where they prepared all their board games and where, after those games had been played, they would have pretend fights because one of them would lose. The Hello Kitty alarm clock that still blasted that stupid meowing sound and when he threw it on the ground because he wanted to sleep in, and lastly, the green plush couch in the corner where Peeta used to take care of Katniss when she was sick, she couldn't think of any better person to help her. Peeta ended the call and then began to gather Katniss's belongings,

"You've got an appointment in 10 mins with Dr Aurelius; I'm paying for it and no you don't have to thank me, now get in the car." Peeta began to walk out the door but then stuck his head back in and said the one thing I needed to hear, "And Katniss," he said with his sweet, mellow voice, "it's going to be alright." I jumped up, instantly feeling better beside him and joined him as we walked out the door.

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