Chapter 12: Comfort

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The steam from my coffee was long gone and the number of customers from the café had declined rapidly after Grace had left. I was wrapping my hands around the mug that held my cold coffee when my phone went off. "Hello," "Katniss?! Where are you?" The urgent voice on the end answered. "What, who's this??" I sat up straight, what had happened. Was Prim okay? What about Mum, oh no Mum, not again.

"Kat, It's- It's Peeta," The voice on the other end trailed off, oh no. What's happened? "What's wrong, what's happened?" "Nothing, I- just, where've you been? Nobody's heard from you in hours..." The sound of him rustling his hair could be heard behind the phone receiver. "I've been at Rusty's all afternoon, I was meeting a... uhm friend." I said, unsure of what Grace actually was. "Stay there, don't move!" Before I could answer, the dial tone rang out and I was left by myself again. I ordered another coffee and ordered a slice of chocolate cake for Peeta and me to share. After waiting for another 5 minutes the bell to the shop door finally opened- and a frazzled Peeta runs in through it. "Peeta!" He sits down at the table before I can even begin to get up. He takes my hand immediately and takes three heavy breaths. "I am so glad you're okay- everybody was so worried about you. What have you been doing?" His hand stiffens around mine as he waits for me to answer his question. "I was here talking to Grace, you know that Seam girl from school? She had to tell me something, something important." He finally started to loosen his grip on my hand and leant back in his chair. "Why did you drop off the grid though, what happened?" "Gale and I had a fight, because I was talking to you. He got mad because he thought we were going to date or something but then I find out he screwed another bitch and got her pregnant. That little whore bag." My hand started to shake. I don't know if it was from the several cups of coffee that I chugged down, or it was probably the fact that my life was turning to shit. I'm pregnant with a sex-obsessed gorilla's child, I don't have a job, my family is struggling already and my baby doesn't have a father. Great. I love my life. I hadn't realised that my palm had started to bleed due to my nails digging into my hand from my frustration. Tears threatened to spill down my face as I felt big, strong arms wrap around me. "Come on Kat- we've got to get you home" Peeta's soft mellow voice drifted through the air and made me feel so at peace. The car ride home was extremely quiet but not at all uncomfortable. I stared at the window as I started to realise how sleepy I actually was. I looked at the clock on the dash, 6:00pm?! I spent 5 hours at the coffee shop?! Wow, how many coffees did I actually have? Before I knew it, Peeta was parked outside my house and was opening the door to help me out. "Katniss!" Another small little voice has popped into my head, Prim? "Katniss thank god you're okay!" I was suddenly engulfed in a hug with three people. One, most likely mother, was stroking my hair. "I knew I was loved but I didn't realise you would stroke my hair when I went missing" I smirked as they let go of me. Prim punched my arm and I did a massive yawn. "I think it's time Katniss goes to bed- she's been drinking a lot of coffee and that can't be good for the baby." A chorus of yes's and goodnight's are heard as Peeta herds me into my bedroom. He tucks me in and makes sure I have a glass of water and a couple of tablets just in case I get pains. He kneels beside my bed but I don't know what he's doing. "Peet- you can go home now. I feel much better already." I turn to look at him, even in the moonlight I can see his hair, his hand has been run through it far too many times and I can see the outline of bags underneath his eyes. "No, I'm going to wait til you go to sleep- just to make sure you won't have a restless night." He takes my hand and starts to caress it with his soft, baker's fingers. Tears spring to my eyes once more but this time, they're happy tears. I sit myself up and grab Peeta's face in my hands. "Thankyou" is all I say before our mouths crash together, it feels like the missing piece in my heart, the final piece of the puzzle. Suddenly everything feels right in this world. "You're welcome" he says as we break apart. I smile at him and realise how big his grin is, I hadn't realised I had been stringing him along for so long. I sit back and lace my fingers in between Peeta's.

I can tell this is going to be the best night's sleep I've had in a while.

A/N: Heya guys! So I'm probably not your favourite person right now! I'm so sorry I've just been hella busy and I've been stuck on what to write but I'm inspired now and I hope to update every Sunday (you can hit me if I don't!) xx

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