"HI Jeremy!" I said smiling doing our usual high-five. "Hey ju, how ya doing?" he said smiling, "I'm good and u?" I asked taking a pass card, "great" he said smiling shyly. I smiled back and climbed up the stairs to get changed I'm my formal uniform which was black pants, white shirt and black jacket with my name tag. I was a receptionist in a four star hotel in France in a small town. I went back to the reception, I sat at the computer and check what was going on for today, nothing and not a lot of check in to. After an hour Jeremy went to his pause and I was alone at the reception. I was working on some files when a man with a black long coat blue jeans a brown shirt, Grey scarf and a beige fedora hat came in. "Bonjour Monsieur" I kindly greeted in french. The man lifted his head up and my heart raced and my body started shaking "I… I mean Hello Mr Depp" I said trying my best to keep my receptionist charisma. "Hello Miss I would like a room for tonight please" he said kindly and flashed a smile. "Yes we have" I said kindly, I made him the check in procedure and gave him the best room of the hotel of course. Once the elevator's door closed I was so dumbfounded I glanced at the reception booth with an empty look in my eyes, I couldn't realized what just happened. "Are you okay ju?" Jeremy asked posing a hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts. "Y…. Yeah.. I just can't believe it that's all" I said scratching the back of my head then pointed to the day arrivals list. I saw him getting closer to the check in list on the booth. "You're joking aren't you?" he said and I shooked my head. "I'll tell the managers about this I'm coming back" he said and climbed up the stairs. "Uhm.. Excuse me, miss, can I have a glass in my room please?" I heard Johnny asked kindly. "Of course right away sir" I smiled, "lovely thank you" he miles back then went back to his room. "We he to make him sign the golden book tomorrow before he leaves" said Jeremy sitting and checking the mailbox. "okay, Uhm I'm coming back, I'll grab a glass for Mr Depp" I said. After picking up the glass I directly went to his room and knocked gently "it's the reception" I said. Seconds after he opened the door and smiled gently "thank you very much Judith that's very kind" he said gently taking the glass from my hand. "Mr Depp?" I asked checking if anyone was around "yes?" he said kindly making an eye contact with me. "I just want to say that I'm a huge fan of you and no matter what I'll be on your side" I said honestly putting a strand of hair behind my ear. "Thank you, I appreciate it" he said then embraced me. I embraced him back shyly and inhaled this mesmerizing sent, a mix between cigarillos and men's cologne. We slowly parted away both smiling. "At what time you finish?" he asked curiously. "in 10 minutes Sirr" I said looking at my watch. "Please call me Johnny, what about we go for a drink after your duty?" I screamed in my head at the sudden question, the man that is your idol, your favorite actor just asked you to go for a drink, this day was a dream come true. "Of course Mr Depp.. I mean Johnny" I said smiling. "It's a pleasure to talk with you but I have to go back to work see you in a few Johnny" I said, he smiled and waved then I went back to the reception. "So how is he?" asked Jeremy excitedly. "Extremely kind" I said sitting back to the computer and finished my work. "Really, isn't he like other actors that that think you owe them everything just because they're actors?" he asked curiously, "Not at all, he is really polite, simple and kind" I said smiling, he nodded impressively. After I finished my work I quickly went to change in a black ripped jeans, a black shirt with Alice Cooper on it my black boots a leather jacket and a dark blue scarf. I slid my backpack on my shoulders, I said goodbye to Jeremy and waited outside for Johnny. A minute after he exited the hotel and smiled once our eyes met. "Can we go to somewhere where the isn't a lot of people I want to keep my coming a secret" he said scratching the back of his head. "Of course, I know where to go and there's some discreet streets to get to it" I said winking at him as we started walking. "How come you're in Avignon Johnny? If you don't mind me asking" I said looking up at him. "Well I wanted to rest in a not so crowded city to get away from the media's and problems so here I am and when I saw your hotel was hidden I thought it was the perfect plan" he said looking up as well and smiled. "I understand you need to take a break they put so much pressure on you…but you'll make it you're strong! " I said smiling brightly, getting him all shy and giggling "Thank you" he said putting his hat back in place. "There we are" I said showing him the fanciest bar restaurant of the town, then we entered in the white marble like hall and I lead him to the bar side. There was like three people that didn't looked at us when we entered which was a good thing since he didn't wanted any gossip. "Hello miss, do you have a vip room or something, my friend is extremely shy" I said kindly, "of course come with me" said the waitress smiling brightly and led us to a room with white marble walls, a white squared table and 2 white chairs. "what would you like to drink?" asked the waitress as Johnny and I was sitting. Johnny made a sign for me to go first "I'll have a Jack Daniel's please" I said smiling, "And I'll have a glass of red wine please" said Johnny kindly. "All right I'll bring it in a few" she said then exited the room. "You've been working at the hotel for a long time?" he asked curiously and smiled, "Uhm 6 month I'll say" I said smiling back, he nodded in response. "I don't ask for how long you've been an actor or in the group I already know the answer" I joked which got us both laughing. "You seem to know a lot about me" he said scratching the back of his head taking a sip of his red wine the waitress just paused on the table. I wanted for the waitress to go before I spoke up, "Well when I am a fan of someone I feel like I want to know everything and see or listen to everything" I simply said. "You've seen all the movies I played in?" he asked shocked with widened eyes almost choking on his wine, "almost yeah counting 21 jump street also" I said giggling. "You're brave" he said letting out a cute laugh. "I just love your art and the way you get into every character tho each of them are so different" I said honestly, a smile appeared on his face as he got embarrassed "Thank you" he said rushing a hand through his hair, I nodded smiling. An hour after chatting about all and everything we finished our drinks and I led him back to the hotel. "It was a wonderful time I had with you thank you" said Johnny kindly, "Oh yeah indeed it was thank you" I said smiling. "See you tomorrow Judith" he said taking me in an embrace and kissed each of my cheeks like the French way which I followed. "See you tomorrow Johnny" I said then went back home. The next day I went to work at 2pm, went to change in my uniform and took my seat at the reception. "HI Jeremy, is there anything special from this morning?" I asked looking at the hotel's software. "No anything special , But Johnny Depp left that for you while I was doing his check out procedure" he said giving a white envelope with my name written on it and I recognized immediately Johnny's writing :"Hey Judith here is my number at the back, call me when you're out of duty.
Sincerely, with all my thanks and respect,

Johnny Depp imagine one shots [complete]
FanfictionSome Johnny Depp and his characters imagines 😉