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I heard my phone rang, so I rushed from the kitchen to the living room to pick up knowing it was Johnny. « Hello Baby » I said on a sweet voice as a happy smile spread across my face. «Hi love, just to tell you that I'm on my on my way I finished earlier than planned, I'll be there in a few » he said with his charming low voice.« Oki Doki babe, the dinner is almost ready, be carefull on the road, I love you sweatheart I said softly but quickly, assuming he was driving, I didn't want anything bad to happen . «I will kitten, love you two » he said as I could feel him smiling through the other line of the phone, which made mine grew bigger, then i hung up and hurried to finish coocking. Once I finished, I set the table on and sat comfortably on the sofa, watchin« the Ellen Show » while waiting for him. About 10 minutes after I heard the front Door being opened then gently slammed and locked, followed by footsteps comming in the living room. I look up and saw his handsome smiling face droping his stuffs on the sofa. Without a word and with a wide smile, i got up and wrapped my arms around his neck. He let out a cute chuckle and wrapped his strong and tattoed around my waist resting his head on my shoulder. «How was your day on set love? » i asked almost whispering not wanting to break the moment. « Good, it was really interesting acting with the green screen and items because i had to imagine the surroundings and that was super fun, what about yours ?» he said in a deep voice, strocking my back. «Well I had a lot of files to catch up when I arrived this morning, an then nothing much it was neither a bad day and neither a good one, but now you're here it's all that matters » I said relaxing in the embrace. «Come on baby let's eat you must be starving » i said getting out of the embrace. « Yes I am but for putting you against me and cuddle, never letting you go » he said as he pulled my by suprise on the sofa, he was sitting and he made me sit on him with my legs layed on the sofa,holding me tight. « Johnny, baby, we'll have plenty of time to cuddle after eating, the food will be cold, i've coocked some empanadas » i said giggling and pecking his cheek. His eyes widened and he had a little smirk on his lips «Holy Shit you know how to get me » he said playfully , hepicked me up bridal style and carried me to the kitchen. «You're welcome baby I said laughing and taking the full plate out from the oven and brought it to the
dinner table where he already took place, wating like a child. «Oh where are my maners » he said as he got up and wrapped his arms around my waist and deposed a sweet kiss on my neck «i love you baby, you're so perfect, thank you for this dinner » he whispered on my ear then sat back down ready to eat. After the dinner, we went to watch a movie on tv, i was lying completly and he layed against me on the sofa, as his eyes closed it selves from the tough day he had and due to me stroking his hair and massaging his scalp gently, the movie ended and he went to bed completely exhausted, on the other hand i wasn't tired at all so i satyed on the sofa watching « what's eating Gilbert Grape ? »,i know it sound cliché but i love him too much and he is one of the best actors so i'm enjoying the luck to have him. Half an hour after, a knock on the front door echoed through the house. I quickly got up to open even tho it's weird to have someone at your door at 1 am. I slowly opened the door and sighted seeing Johnny's ex girlfriend, the redhead type dressed like if she was goind to a party and wore an excessive make up. «Uhm Hello, do you need anything ? » I said calmly. «So it's you his new girlfriend uh ? » she said scoffing. «Yeah, is there anything wrong with that ? » I asked frowning my brows and crossing my arms. «Oh no darling of course not » she said putting a strand of a hair behind her ear. «So what did you came for ? Johnny is not available if that's what you want to know » i said already getting bored. «No, I better not see him after what he done, actually it's his new girlfriend,I mean you that I came to see, more like to warn you » she said putting a hand on my shoulder but I kindly removed it. «About what ? » I asked raising my eyebros. « About your boyfriend, don't listen to what he say, at first he will tell you that he'll mak eyour life a dream and time passes by and you realize that he actulally transforming your life to a living hell, he will talk to you as if you were an animal, he won't do anything for your, or be there when your pour some tears, when he's with his friends he'll make fun of you and take you for a servant, trust me he's not the charming prince, you have to break up before it's too late, he will ruin you, he's just a prick » she said acting like she was going to cry . Let me get this straight she dated him for 3 month and she cheated on him with my brother, well I caught her without her knowing, because for her he didn't gave her enough money for all the shopping she does and now she's trying to tell that Johnny is the bad one, «Says the one who cheated because she's a spoiled child » I said sarcasticly putting my hands on my hips looking straight in her confused eyes. «W...what are you talking about I have never cheated on h...him » she said looking everywhere, scratching the back of her neck. «Oh yeah you know this name...uhm what was it already ?Daniel ! that's it Daniel, I was there the day where you were playinglovey-dovey with my brother, so please don't tell me that you're a poor victim,and for your information I don't know Johnny since a lot of time but I do have more respect and uderstanding than you've had back then so if I were you I wouldn't bother him with pre-teens problems, he has enough adults issues to deal with » I said firmly, which got her in a stressed and uneasy position. «I...I think I better go i..indead » she said on a small voice turning her heals and walked towards the enormous metallic gate. «That's it and nerver come back »i shouted. Who does she think she is, dissing my boyfriend and tell stupid lies about him, serioulsly. I slammed the door shut pissed off and turned towards the stairs in direction of our bedroom but then I spotted Johnny sitting on the stairs crossed legs. « I got down just in case at the moment I heard her voice just in case she was going to far, but I saw you didn't need me » he said with a chuckle, getting up and we both made our way to the bedroom and he sat on the bed. « Well she can say everything she wants about me I don't care at all, but she can't diss my boyfriend in front of me in the eyes » I said as I got closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips, so did he with mine.

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