"Hey class, why Don't we go for dinner at the pub tonight, it's on me" Said Professor Brown as we were ready to leave the scool's garden to go back home. "Sure teach count on me !! thanks for the invitation anyway" said Criss sling his empty ooking like back pack on his left shoulder. "We will be there to" said Katlyn and Emma leaving with a big smile on their faces. "I'll check with my parents but i'll try my best to be there" said Daren patting the professor's biceps which made him smile and nod. "How about you Sabrina will you come at the pub?" asked the professor smiling at me with a soft look, that got me out of my thoughts "Oh sorry I was daydreaming but uhm yeah sure see you there sir" I said smiling taking my bag "Alright see you there" he said kindly, I nodded and went back to my house.
Once back, the boredom took it's place. Again I find myself alone at home, like Always. My parents were away for work and my sister out with her friends. I went to take a long hot shower to relax my nerves. I putted on a black dress and let my blond short hair fall on my shoulders. I took my purse and headed to the pub.
"Hey Sabrina !" said Professor Brown raising his hand through the pub to show me where everybody sat. "Hey guys hope i'm not late" I said taking a seat. "Oh no dear you're just in time, Emma and Katlyn aren't there yet but I guess we can start ordering an apperitive and please choose whatever you'd like kids, I Don't want you to be thirsty and starve" said the Proffessor with a big hand gesture.
After the girls came and the apperitive, the heat of the pub was extremly hot and I felt like I needed some air. "It's starting to get hot in here, who's for a cigarette outside ?" I asked ventilating myself with my hand. Everybody shook their head while Mister Brown took his jacket and got up "I'm in as long as you got one for me" he said with a wink. "Sure I have a whole new pack" I said as I put my jacket on and walked off to the entrance with him. I took the pack out of my Pocket and gave him a cigarette and the ligher.
"Do you mind if we walk around a bit sir ?" I asked litting my cigarette and exhaled the smoke. "No problem and please call me Richard" he said exhaling the smoke and put the cigarette back betwen his lips. "We started to take a walk while smoking, until we arrived into a park nearby the pub. We sat on some twin old swings with the chains that hold them were rusty. "Richard can I ask you Something?" I asked turning to him and slowly rocking back and forth with the swing. "Go ahead dear" he said genlty as our eyes met and a charming smile apperaed on his handsome face. "Why did you suddenly changed your way of teaching ? I mean I enjoy your class but i Wonder about why you are less..." I started but he completed my phrase "strict ? scolar?" he asked still smiling. "yeah" i answered with a shy smile. "Well you know we have one life and... Promise me that what i'm about to say will stay between us okay?" he asked rather seriously as his face became as serious as his tone. "Sure you can count on me Richard" i said nodding. "I got diagnotised with a cancer and I want to continue teaching to you guys and tell you that we have one life so enjoy it live every instant as if it was the last but also I want to experience things I never did before, but Don't pity me, i Don't need that, it's how life is and how my life was supposed to be so it's okay" he said noticing that I felt bad about it, he is my favourite teacher and the reason I came to this college. I think I should tell him but it's not the moment tho. "I'm sorry to hear that Richard I'll be here if you need anything, but you'll miss to all the class you know" i said putting my tiny warm hand on the top of his. "Really, well at leat as a memories you'll have my uncommon classes and the time we spent at the pub" he said chuckling. "Oh yeah we wont forget about that" i said smiling but then a a shiver ran through my spine, the nigh was already black and the temperature started lowering. "Come on let's get Inside I don't want you to catch a cold" he said smiling and we went back to the pub.
"Hey guys what took you so long?" asked Jake a boy in the class. "Well you know when you get Inside a deep conversation" I said chuckling and sitting down. "And what was that conversation about missi?" he said to tease me in a humourous way. "Well we were talking about how much curious you were Jake" I said with a smile in attempt to touch him as eveyone including Richard chanted 'ooh' to Jake. With that we ate our dinner with lot of laugh and fun. Once we've finished we all drank a shot of stong alcohol. Then we all got up and got ready to go.
We all bid our goodbyes to each other on the parking lot, then everyone went away leaving Richard and me. He was about to get to his car but I mannaged to grab his hand gently. "Yes Sabrina?" he said kindly. I took a deep breath and kissed him on the lips deeply with my full feelings. Surprisingly he kissed back and deposed his hands on my waist. We parted away only few inches from our lips."Wow" he said whipering then he kissend me again. My eyes closed, my heart was pounding and my hands uncontrollably slid from his hands to his shoulders. He slowly broke the kiss then deposed a tendre kiss on my neck, on my weakest spot that got freezing for a second. "See you tommorow sweatheart" he whispered in my hear then looked at me smiling which got me blushing a little. "See you tommorow Richard" I said smiling. I removed my hands from his shoulders then hims from my waist then we parted away going back home.
The next Morning.
7 am I woke up at the sound of my alarm clock, I went to do my Morning routine, Grabbed breakfast and headed to school with my heart pounding, happy to see Richard again. I walked to the Classroom where we usualy meet before going to the garden or somewhere else dependin Richard's mood which was pretty cool. I opened the room's door "Hi guys, the teacher's still not here?" Iasked Walking in. "Nope, he must have done Something else after the pub" said Criss with a smirk and a naughty look. "you're gross man said" Jake as everyone laughed. I took a seat and the principal came in. "Well laidies and gentlemens the class is dismissed the professeur Brown is absent, have a good day" he said then exited the room.
Worried I took my stuff and followed the principal to his office, I knocked slowly on his door looking worringly at the door right next to it which was Richard's. "Come in" said the pricipal from Inside. I went in and stood close to his wodden and neatly tidy. "Sabrina , please sit" he said with a smile. "Sir, Is the professor Brown okay?" I asked seriously. "Richard did told you didn't he ?" h asked, fuck he got what I was talking about. "Told me what? Look, i'm just worrying because he never missed a single class even if he was sick, i'm just wondering if Something happened" i said acting as if Iknew Nothing. "Oh alright, uhm well, he's missing since last night, after what his wife as told me, he picked up some clothe after getting out of a pub then ran away not giving any clu of where he was going... wait, I just spoke too much...silly me, I wasn't supposed to say that, anyway keep that between us" he sais laying his head between his hands then slid them to his hair and looked back at me. "Of course everything said in this office will stay in this office, now I better leave I have a lot of stuffs to do, thank you sir, goodbye" I said faking a smile. "Sure Sabrina see you around" he sais with a smile and I exited his office.
I arrived home and collapsed on my bed looking up at the ceilling with tears in my eyes. "Enjoy Richard" I whispered, scoffing with a smile.

Johnny Depp imagine one shots [complete]
FanfictionSome Johnny Depp and his characters imagines 😉