"you look really young son are you sure you want to join the crew?" asked the man with Grey and white hair tied up in a low short ponytail, with a white beard only on the sides, and clothes he wore for at least a month because you don't get to change a lot your clothes on a ship."I look younger than I am sir I'm 23" I said trying to convince him to hire me even if it was my real age. "Oh you're 23 so you just have to sign here please" said the man smiling sliding me a thick brownish parchment and a feather with black ink dripping from it. I took the feather in hand and signed my last name Gordon Turner. The man's eyes widened at the sight of my name and looked at me shocked. "Are you from William's Turner family?" he asked, "Yes he's my brother" I smiled. "It's an honor welcome aboard the black pearl then" he said smiling and bowed his head. "Thank you sir" I said smiling back. "The boarding will be in when sun sets" he added and I just bowed my head in understanding. I got out of the hostel and walked to the dock and sat on the hot stand watching the sky and wait for the crew to come. After waiting longly, I saw a bunch of people walking to the boarding area, I looked at the sun and I was setting, I got up and joined the people. We all stopped in front of an enormous ship with black sails proudly floating to the air. We all got in and the man that recruited all of us made us gathering in the ship deck facing a door which. I suppose are the captains quarters, as we felt the ship moving out from the dock, ready to meet our captain which I know about based on what told me my brother. Then the quarters door opened and a man with a long jacket, brown boots, dreads and a hat came out. "Hello my partners I'm captain Jack Sparrow, I hope I have not hired you for nothing for the new one and welcome back for the others, now get to work" he said with some manner that you were wondering if he was drunk. We all executed from the orders, I was about to go for work, when the captain stood in front of me. "You, aren't you too young for being in the crew?" he asked looking at me up and down. "I just look younger than I am captain, I'm 23" I said with confidence. "Great now go to work" he said on a cool tone. I bowed my head and grabbed a wooden bucket of water, a large used sponged and whipped the deck with the others. After it was eating time, we had some bread with water, nothing that much exciting but at least we had some food. "Say, how do you do to keep a perfect skin and thin facial features?" asked a blond haired man with a glass eye. "Well uhm, nothing, I just drink water and have some sleep" I simply said and smiled. The man nodded, impressed. "Allright mateys let's get to sleep!" said the man with the Grey and with ponytail, which I've heard he's named Gibbs. We all hurried to get in our hammocks, almost everyone got undressed but I prefered to keep my clothes on. I layed there, the hammock rocking back in forth, asking myself how could I get to the captain to deliver him the message i have for him without getting caught of being the only girl in the ship, and little by little, I drifted off to sleep.
The next morning I was awoken by an amount of cold salty water splashed all over my body. My clothes were soaked wet and my white shirt grew transparent, revealing a thick line of bandage to compress my breast to make me look like a man. At first nobody noticed since the light was barely present in the ship's basement, but when I got to the deck, the man with the fake eye and another man which was almost bald caught me by the arms and threw me into the quarters, where the captain was sitting in front of a large wooden table, looking at his map and his compass. "I hope you have a good reason to enter without knocking" said the captain taking his bottle of rum and drank some more. "She lied captain!!" the man with the fake eye spoked on complain tone. "She?" he asked curiously. "Yes look" he said then out of a sudden torned up my soaken shirt revealing my compress bandage, "Hey!" I said and instinctly covered up myself with my arms. "Come on Ragetti, be more gentle even if she lied, you may dispose and get back to your work" he said in annoyance. "Would you excuse him milady he is not really in common with ladies" he said opening a drawer and took out a white shirt, which I assume it was one of his. "Here take this" he said handing me the white cloth. I took it and put it on quickly. "Thank you captain" I said quietly. "It's okay love, now take a seat and tell me what happened for a girl as pretty as you to board on my ship, and if I get it right from what Gibbs told me, Mrs Turner" he said as we both sat on each ends of the table. "That is correct captain, I'm his sister, I came he to deliver a massage that he could not come to tell you" I said looking at him. He leaned his back on the chair's back, crossed his legs and took another sip of rum. "All right tell me" he said drinking again. "Elizabeth is very sick so my brother need to stay by her side to take care of her and he can't help you fighting against Calypso and Davy Jones because of that" I said not really knowing who was Calypso and Davy Jones. "A-ha ! So it means you're brother is tricking me huh? Just because she's pretending to be sick" he said getting irritated and walked to me on a drunken way and loudly put both of his hands on the table causing me to jump. "He would come if he could! He needs to stay with here because she is really sick" I said a bit louder for him to understand that I was serious. "Uh okay… Then, I believe that if I don't have Will by my side then I'll have… Your name milady?" he said gesturing. "Gordon" I said looking at him unsure of what hell say next. "Your girl name dear" he said sighting. "Gordon" I repeated. "Stop playing around and tell me your real name before I put you on the plank, hands and ankles tied" he said flexing his elbow and brought he face closer to me, close enough to smell his rum breath and meet his deep brown eyes. "Captain, I really don't want to be disrespectful but lying is not a part of my laws so at least you're deaf or just dumb my name is Gordon, it's just that I have a boy name, but it really is" I said irritated. "I didn't said you were a liar I just said you were playing around and so if your brother is not able to come then you will take his place" he said with a smirk. "Oh no no no captain, I'm not a pirate or have any experiences with the sea" I said avoiding his look. He lifted up and laughed "Oh dear that wasn't a question but an order, you're brother didn't told you that when you try to trick me I trick you harder, but don't worry since you are a women you'll have privileges" he said smiling and opened his arms. "And for more privileges you can spend more times in the quarter and since your brother has a debt then you will maybe become mine so everything will be solved" he said smirking imagining things. "Wait it's going to far just for the moment let's focus on me helping you instead of my brother" I said throwing him a non confiant look. "Oh come on you'll be fine I promise" he said caressing my cheek. "Come on let's gather the others on the deck and explain them the situation" he said giving me his arm. I got up an liked my arm with his and we made our way to the deck. "Mateys gather around !!!!!!" said the captain. Everyone stopped what he was doing and gather in front of us both. The all saw me with Jack shirt, the dark blue pants I was wearing from the boarding yesterday, and my hair down in a mid length cut which made it more obvious I was a girl. All the mateys looked at me weirdly like if I was some piece of meat. "So, this young girl here is the little sister of William Turner so she will be considered as a guest so treat her well she will be resting in my quarters while I'm staying on the deck, now go back to work" said jack as all executed. I sat for the rest of the day on the quarters with Jack exploring the map to see approximately where are we and where we're off to. I was impressed that it was really interesting to work with him, at first sight he seem like a charming drunk guy and tricky, but in the end he really knows what he's doing and have a plan for each situations that really sounded exciting. We got interrupted by the quarters door that slowly opened revealing Gibbs with a large plate of meat, some bread and bright green apples. He dropped it in the table and we bowed our heads as a thank you and Gibbs went back to the deck. We both sat in ou place and started eating the delicious meat accompanied with potatoes in front of us. "How come your brother never mentioned you before?" asked Jack and put a fork full of meat in his mouth. "I don't know but he did tell me a lot about you" I said then drank some water. "Well that's interesting, he told that I was a liar a cheater and all those kind of stuffs I presume" he said rolling his eyes. "He did but i guess he was just jealous you will steal his girl since he say you kissing her" I said and continued eating. "She kissed me! Just so she could put those bloody chains on my wrists" he said protesting like a child. "He didn't told about that part, but that is pretty sassy from her" I said honestly. After we've been sharing stories of our lives and finished eating, we put the plates behind the doors of the quarters. "Now dear get some rest today will be a long day" he said with a confident grin. "Goodnight Jack" I said kindly and smiled. "Goodnight love" he said then closed the quarters door.

Johnny Depp imagine one shots [complete]
FanfictionSome Johnny Depp and his characters imagines 😉