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"But you said you love me"

"I'm sorry but I say a lot of things Tonia"

I felt hurt, deceived. I remember when he told me he loved me very much, it was like yesterday only it was last week. I was upstairs alone in the abandoned part of the school where no one ever visited. It was my favorite place because I either did 'amebo' there with my best friends, or I was alone thinking. My eyes were shut and even though I heard footsteps approaching me, I didn't move or open them. I was relaxed, seated on the floor back against the wall as I played with the broken tiles that laid on the floor.

"Tonia!" I heard a voice call out to me but I didn't open my eyes. I could recognise that husky voice anywhere. I felt a presence in the large hall I was in; he could have found anywhere at all to be in the big room, we were in but he decided to sit by me. His sweaty skin touched my dry skin, I hated sweat still I seemed to be able to tolerate it.
"I thought I saw you come up here"he said.
"What do you want?" I tried my best to act like I didn't care, that his presence had no effect whatsoever on me.                                                               "I want to talk."                   
"Well I don't want to talk" he sighed at that                                                              "Tonia please... Okay let's play a game."I raised my eye brows at him, my eyes now wide open. "What game?"
"Two truths and lie."  I knew what this game was all about, but I acted oblivious to it.                                      "Tell me about it." My full attention on him as he explained. I began to trace every of his facial features with my eyes; from his large bulgy eyes down to his slightly grown mustache. His huge lips which led to the mouth with which he used to tell jokes to the class, that mouth which he would use to read out his poems to any girl he wished to toy with. Those lips had gone up to form a smile every once in a while whenever he watched me describe something funny to him.     "How about we make it a truth and a lie?" I asked.
"Sure, whatever you want, I will start?                                                              So we went round after round, me getting all of his truths, him getting almost none of mine. And soon, it was my turn again.                                                                   "Okay" I started, "I fucked Joel yesterday, or I have a fear of clowns." He watched me intently.  Joel was his best friend, he would have known by then, hell all the boys would have been aware  but it seemed not to be so.                                                                  "I think I know the answer to this one even though I don't want it to be true"                                         
  "Which is?"                                           "You fucked Joel?" His words came out more of a question than an answer.                                               "Ding! Ding!!" I said sarcastically
 "It's not funny" He attacked.
 "Did I say it was?"                                   "Why?" I could almost here the pain in his voice but deep down, I knew it wasn't there.                
 "Why? Cos I felt like." I said
nonchalantly                                               "You felt like? What were you thinking? You had sex with someone who you don't love" He was beginning to raise his voice and that irritated me
"Stop shouting"  I said over his voice. "Why do you even care?"                    
"I love you"                                          
I stood up as quick as lightning, and was ready to leave. What he said got me angry. He was one to talk about love. He loved me? That was suppose to make me happy right? No, it didn't. Did he think I was a fool? That I was one of those girls who would do anything  to hear those words come out of his mouth. There was a time when all I wanted was for him to say those words to me but at that point, all I wanted was for him to actually mean it. 
I felt his cold palm wrap around my wrist. I moved away from his hold, I didn't want him touching me. He stood up, to tower over me. He looked down at me and made me look up at him.                                                      
"Say something"                                       "What exactly do you want me to say?"                                                          "Anything, anything at all."                     "Well I have nothing to say to you." I looked away.        
"I love you" he said again this time with ease that did not match his frustrated look.                          
"Don't say what you don't mean... You love me?" He nodded his head yes. "You are lying. What do you expect exactly? that I would run into your hands because you love me?    Who put you up to this? Was it the boys? They wanted to see if I'd fuck any one with a dangling thing between their legs?" I was being hysterical "Answer me. For crying out loud do you really expect me to believe you? How is it so easy for you to say these things to me, to do these things to me. It is quite easy for you to hurt me. I am supposed to be one of your closest friend but you seem to always derive joy from hurting me. You keep telling me you love me, like I'm some kind of fool or something. This isn't the first time you are telling me these lies and each time I stupidly believe you and try to make something work with so much mistrust in my heart, and so much difficulty, you turn around almost immediately and that too so easily and break that very fragile heart,you end up making me feel like a fool all over again. You laugh in my face and tell me you didn't mean it.

Amebo - gossip

Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this part and I really hope you enjoy this story as a whole.

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