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I snapped my eyes open as a very familiar scent hit my nose, it was one I had not perceived in days. It was the scent of the flowers that littered my room and the whole house, giving it a refreshing air. I looked around me, to behold what surrounded me. After so long, I could finally recognise my surroundings I was in my room. I was surrounded by the familiar colors, the familiar arrangements,  the familiar desk, the familiar everything. A thought crossed my mind though. 'What if I was in another universe what if the professor made a mistake.' I decided to lock out every form of negativity whatsoever. I sprang up from my bed, not wanting to stay away from my family any longer. I hurried down the stairs of our house, and went straight into the passage way leading to the living room. I barged in there only to be met by people looking really distraught. My mother was crying, my father was comforting her but it was obvious that he also wanted to cry. I saw Amanda and Ranti hugging each other and crying furiously while some of the poke nosing neighbors that I hated stood around looking sympathetic. I didn't like seeing my mother in that way and it made me sad. I wondered what had happened to her.

"Mum?" I called out to her but she didn't look up, no one did. For a second, I thought I was dead and a ghost and I began to panic. I couldn't be dead not yet. I still had a lot of things to do. I had not yet gone to the city of lights, I had not seen the Taj Mahal. I had not eaten sushi. I couldn't be...

"Tonia?" My thoughts and panicking were cut off by Ranti calling my name.
"Tonia!!"  My mummy called out even louder as she stood up, using an impossible strength to push my father off of her. 
"Oh Tonia" she said giving me a very tight hug. I hugged her back with as much force mumbling how I missed her so much.
"Mama why were you crying?" I asked her I didn't like seeing like this.
"Tonia first you disappear along with those other people, and when you do appear, you come late. Why are you always late girl. We thought you were dead. That we won't get to see you again. I thought you ran away at first but then there was NEWS of people from another universe because of one stupid professor in Ghana who couldn't keep his mad ideas to himself. And the girl that came here bearing Tonia looked nothing like you. It's been two days since we sent them back and you were no where to be found and I thought I lost you." My mother kept on talking just as her grip grew tighter on me as if she was scared that I would all of a sudden disappear.
"Mama I'm hear okay. I'm fine everything is okay." I tried to reassure her as my father pried her away from me to give me his own hug. His hug was softer than my mummy's own, but it was obvious that he was pretty shaken too.
"I'm glad you are home." he said softly before letting me go.
My parents weren't the type that would suddenly burst into praises to God at the sight of a miracle or at a good news. Sure they were Christians, they would go to church but unlike any other local parents, they were quiet.

I was squashed in between two tall dumb asses who couldn't keep their sweaty hands to themselves.
"Let go of me you fools you are suffocating me." I growled at them and they quickly let me go knowing how scary I could be.
"We just wanted to show you how much we miss you and you are trying to be violent." Amanda shook her head in fake disappointment.
"Come on Ranti let's go. We are not needed here." They had started to leave and I had no plans on stopping their act if not for my mother who told me right there to be a better friend to my 'caring friends.'
"Now, you need to tell us about the world that you were stuck in." Ranti said in excitement as they rushed up the stairs probably to get to my room and my bed.

"What me and Sandra? Eww no way." Chimamanda said in utter disapproval as she brought out her tongue to show disgust. Out of all I had explained, the only two things that registered in her coconut brain was the fact that me and Kenneth made up and the fact that she was friends with Sandra. Ranti was about to say something when she was interrupted by my phone ringing.
My phone. After so long, I get to hold my precious phone in my hand, this felt great. I picked it up immediately, not caring to see who the caller was.
"Tonia." I said to the phone as my friends rolled my eyes at the way I answered all my calls. They thought it was too business-y and I told them if I was going to be rich, I had to start answering calls like a rich person. Of course they laughed at how dumb that was, but I could care less.
"Kenneth." I heard the voice say from the phone and I couldn't help but to let out a grin which got me suspicious looks from my friends.
"I see you have gotten home" he said to me and I nodded my head. Ranti smacked her forehead while Chimamanda mouthed the word 'talk' to me and I wanted to smack my own head at my stupidity.
"Y...yes" I said to him and he chuckled as if he knew what was happening.
"I'm glad we are home and safe."
"Me too."
"My parents were in the church praying profusely when I got back." I let out a fit of giggle at that although I wanted it to be a chuckle.
'It's Kenneth.' Ranti mouthed to Chimamanda and she nodded her head. I wanted to deny but I couldn't not only because I was on the phone, but also because they knew that only Kenneth could make me giggle like that.
"I have to go." Kenneth said bringing me out of the glaring contest I was in
"My mom and dad want me. I will see you in school right?" He continued. I nodded my head once more, before saying 'yes.'
"Bye." we said together making me smile.

"So..." Ranti started immediately I dropped my phone. "You and Kenneth hmm?"
"Yes me and Kenneth."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I'm sure."
"That was what you said last one thousand times."
"Well I'm saying it again." I snapped.
"Listen." Amanda came in to save the day like the wonderful mediator she was. "We know how you feel."
"No you don't." I said to her with rage. They didn't know how I felt. I may seem foolish, I may be foolish but they just didn't know how it felt to be this foolish over a boy.
"Would you just shut up and listen." She seemed to have had enough of my tantrums. "It's fine if you want to be with him, we would support you, just be careful and don't get hurt." I nodded my head and mumbled a small thank you.
"Now the both of you, shake it out."
"What are we? Five?" I asked her.
"Shake. It. Out." Now I may be scary and dangerous but Amanda had her own share of it and when it came out, we knew better than to joke around. I stretched out my hand to shake Ranti but she wasn't having any of it. She swatted my hand away and engulfed me in a bone crushing hug.
It was good to be home.

So good to be home home home
Yay I'm so happy for them.
This story is coming to an end though. I may or may not have stated that it's a short story😁

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