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   I stirred from the short nap I was taking, I lifted my head from off of Kenneth's shoulder. I was reluctant to leave the comfortable warmth it brought me but I had to. I wearily scanned the room,  I didn't know for how long we had been there, four to five days maybe and not once had we seen anybody. I was hungry,  and I knew that Kenneth was too,  I heard his tummy growling every once in a while and though he acted like he didn't care because I was with him,  we both knew that feelings wouldn't be able to quench our thirst, and take our hunger away. It was like they had plans to leave us to rot there.

      I crawled up to the bars that enclosed us to that confined space,  leaving the sleeping lad alone to rest. My hands were tightened around the two bars as I tried my best to see any moving silhouette at all but I saw nothing at all. Maybe I was right,  they probably left the both of us in the room to die of starvation and then rot away maybe they planned on us turning against ourselves and tearing each other from limb to limb. Maybe they forgot us here but then, who could forget such a big catch? So this is how it is all going to end. I thought to myself. I was never going to see home again. I suddenly began to hit the bars with my palms as I shouted out. "Let us go!! Let us out of here." I couldn't take it anymore. I could feel my hands tearing under the impact and I could feel the warm blood dripping from my palms but I just couldn't stop. I didn't care. Kenneth's hands wound around me as he tried pulling me away from the bar and away from my hysteria but I just wasn't giving in. I held the bars tightly and painfully,  the tears clouded my vision. I was unable to see who stood before me,  just separated by the bars from the both of us. And just like that,  I felt my head swing forward twice,  hitting the bars really forcefully. "Keep quiet." The figure said rudely getting my attention wasn't on him but in the persistent pain I felt in my head as I laid in Kenneth's hands.

"What were you thinking?" He asked me.
"I want to go home."
"Me too but we won't get home by getting hurt, we need to keep our cool until we find an opportunity to get away from here.
"But what of we were meant to die and starve here? What if we can't escape?" He fell silent at my questions and kept on bandaging my head with his shirt. When he was through,  he looked at me and opened his mouth about to say something but was interrupted by the jingling of keys. Our heads snapped toward the bars and saw a girl we hadn't seen for a while,  a girl who had just disappeared from our lives the moment we got into trouble. Fake Chimamanda. She shook very badly as she busied herself with opening the bar whilst looking here and there,  right and left as if to check out if someone was coming to her. She finally completed hee mission of opening the room and said to us very quietly too. "Come out,  hurry"

    Kenneth made an attempt to run out but I held him back,  focusing on Chimamanda with squinted eyes. I could feel Kenneth's confused gaze on me but I paid him no attention.
"And we are supposed to trust you?" I asked
"We have no time."
"That's not an answer."
"Common Tonia let's go."
"No Kenneth I'm not going to run with uncertainty,  I'm not going to run with someone I don't trust."
"Yes okay? You have to trust me,  I'm your only way out of here."
"It didn't seem that way when you left us here alone for days."
"If I had cone unprepared,  it would be the three of is here,  and no one would save us."
I thought over what she has said,  she made a point so I stood up slowly and just as we began to run,  I heard our captors shout behind us.
"Stop there or I will shoot." We didn't stop,  we couldn't. We were too scared to stop. I heard the gun shots but still didn't stop. If the bullet had hit me at that point,  I would have been totally oblivious to the pain because of the adrenaline that was during through my veins.
    We had gotten outside and I could still hear the hastened steps of our pursuers behind us yet I couldn't help but slow down. My body was not as strong as that of the tall people running in front of me,  it wasn't as determined. This was what happened as I failed to save my strength earliest on.
"Hurry." I heard someone say but I still involuntarily ran at that slow pace. As quick as lightning,  I was swept off of my feet. Kenneth. I didn't mind,  I was already tired so I let him carry me besides the last time I had a tantrum,  things did not end well. I felt the wind blow strongly on my face, he was faster than I thought he would be,  it was probably the same adrenaline doing it to him,  giving him unusual strength.

   We tripped,  he tripped and fell down. This was all happening too quickly I thought to myself. It had all happened before,  and I wasn't going to let it happen again neither was Chimamanda. "Get up. " she ordered as she gave us a hand. "Run" I found my balance,  and we began our sprinting. This time though I didn't last behind. We ran through different corners the gunshot ringing behind us but it was like they had no plan of actually hurting or killing us. We finally reached a car,  one of those triangular cars. "Get in." Chimamanda tells at us as she got into the driver's seat.
"Can you drive?" I asked her
"People my age no how to drive." Was her stupid answer.
"But can you drive?"
"No. "
"God I'm going to die after all." The car moved at a really fast speed,  jerking forward. I watched as the running men behind us quickly became nothing.
"Start talking." Kenneth's voice showed that he wasn't joking. I saw Chimamanda flinch at his voice but I said nothing,  just waited for her to start talking.
"I'm sorry I left you guys,  I couldn't risk getting caught or I would be stranded..."
"I'm not asking for an apology." Kenneth rudely interrupted her. "You already gave that before. Where are we heading? What is the plan.?"
"We are going somewhere safe,  where we would stay for a few days before we have to meet with Professor Alak. It's stocked up with food, clothes etc courtesy of me. I saw Professor Alak, and he is more than happy to do this. He just had to repair his machine and do some calculations and then he would contact us. It would take a few days that's why we have to be on a low." She finally stopped the car and stared at us with a smile. "You are going home."

Right now I'm listening to Girl on Fire and if I must say, Amanda is on Fire.
Chimamanda to the rescue.

They are going home yay.

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