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I watched as she strolled into the school compound, a smile perched on her face as she strolled past the horrible looking bushes and into the school building. She stopped by her friends who came earlier than she did, she talked to them as if she hadn't seen them for a while. That though was true. I knew her friends didn't really like me, I mean I wouldn't even like me. They soon left her before other classmates gathered round her probably exchanging each of their different experience during the multi universe exchange. She peeled away from the gathering and went a fair distance away from them before scouting the area as if looking for someone. Her eyes finally landed on the person she was busy searching for, me. How do I know? Well it was quite simple seeing as she seemed to stop moving entirely except of the tugging of her lips upward into a larger smile. She was so beautiful. I wondered how she managed to forgive me, how she managed to look at me and still smile. Sure it wasn't easy but with the amount of pain I had taken her through, I thought she was never going to forgive me not that I was planning on giving up or anything.

She walked up to me her smile still on her face, as if I was the only reason she was in school. Well she was the only reason that I was in school.
"Hey" she said to me and her voice was as sweet as honey, music to my ears.
"Hi." I said back sounding breathless because I was actually breathless. She did that to me, managed to take my breath away each and every time. I was selfish, really selfish and that very vile trait managed to hurt her every time. Ranti was right, I was a douche. As she stared at me, all the emotions swirling in her eyes I could see a hint of fear in them and that tugged at my heart strings. I knew why she was scared and I really hoped what she thought never happened.
"Let's skip" I said to her leading her to the stairs as she nodded her head. She never liked Further Mathematics, she was sure to skip it.
"How are you?" I asked her watching as she shrugged from the corner of my eye. I led her up the stairs going to the large room where all six heartbreaks had started and ended. After the first two times, I thought it was absurd that she was willing to give me a chance, that I was even coming back to her. But no matter how I thought I was over her, it just turned out that I only had just begun. That I couldn't be without her. Seeing her dating other people was something I couldn't bear to see. I knew how I had hurt her, every step of the way. From the first time I had told her that I wanted to be more than friends to two weeks later I bluntly stated that it was all lust. And the second time where I could barely see the fear in her eyes when she agreed to give me a second chance. And even the last time when I told her that I said a lot of things that I didn't mean. I wondered how I could be so heartless towards her, one moment, I was burning with passion for her treating her like the perfect being she was and the next moment, making her feel so bad. I never meant for that to happen. Call me bipolar but the truth was I always acted based on how I felt and I can be black and then white. What made it different this time though the feelings that were tugging at my heart for her were not just ordinary, no they were very much stronger than before.

"So?" she said to me looking out of the window
"So." I said not really knowing why I wanted us to skip. It was probably the idea of having to spend more time with her.
"Tonia." She moved her head to face me but she was still looking out the window that too deliberately. She was never the shy type but at times like this, she became shy. It was good to know that I was not the only one affected but she was too. It was good to know that I had an effect on her.
"Look at me please." I said to her softly with a small smile perched on my face and when she looked down refusing to look at me, I held onto her chin and made her look at me.
"I know you are scared." She stared into my eyes as if trying to search for some emotions and for the first time, I was forced to let my emotions show. A small gasp escaped her mouth and I shut my eyes closed before prying it open again.
"I know that you are thinking what if we just keep going round and round in circles, and what if you are just continually played for a fool. But believe me, I have no plans of hurting you and I never did. I promise that from now on I would not ever do anything to hurt you." She nodded her head. It was very hard to believe that she was the girl in the bubblegum universe that was bold and would tell me how dumb I was and how bad I hurt her. She never let me through her hard girl cover. Now, she was looking so vulnerable and it made my heart melt.
"Let's do something babe." I said and I watched her blush at the pet name before looking at me with rapt attention.
"No I love yous from now on at least not until we are sure of it. Let's make sure we mean it before we say it"
She nodded her head, with a smile on her face. It was obvious she liked that idea. Something inside me told me that she didn't like it when I said I love her. Maybe she didn't believe me yet, and I was okay with that well not really but if it meant her staying, then it was okay with me. All I wanted at this point was to be with her, It was all that mattered.

"How about that date you always wanted to go on?" I asked her remembering how she had told me that I should take her on but I shunned her. Yes, I was that dumb, that stupid. I didn't even take her on a date. She looked at me like I was an alien.
"Are you serious?" She asked and I nodded my head.
"If I was not serious I wouldn't be asking you."
"Where are you going to take me?"
"Leisure mall" I said nonchalantly, watching her eyes grow wide before nodding her head. She gave me an unexpected hug, her head on my chest.
"This is all I ever wanted."
"What to go to leisure mall?"
"No stupid" she hit my chest lightly. "You. All I wanted was for you to say that you love me and actually mean it. For you to actually care." The last part sounded muffled because she placed her face on my chest.

I didn't say anything back, just hugged her but deep down I knew that all I wanted was us.

The end...

How una dey na.
How are you guys.

So this chapter huh?
Like Awwwwww
Did I surprise you with the Kenneth's Pov? I really hope I did.
They got their happily ever after. Maybe *shrugs*😁
That's all for Bubblegum Universe at least for now.

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